chapter 14: I'm fine

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There Daisy was outside the slytherin common room. With Brian, arguing.



"HE LOOKS AT ME NO DIFFERENT THAN HE DOES HIS OTHER FRIENDS, THAN HE DOES HIS OWN BROTHER, HE LOOKS AT ME NO DIFFERENT THAN HIS OWN SISTER FOR MERLINS SAKE!" How did she end up fighting with him? Well, Fred. She left her dorm to go for a walk when she bumped into Brian. She then asked why she couldn't be hanging out with Fred. But his answer didn't make sense.

"LISTEN TO ME YOU STUPID BITCH! I AM YOUR BOYFRIEND! YOU LISTEN TO ME! YOU DO WHAT I SAY!" Daisy was shocked. She did not expect this. And she definitely wasn't going to expect what was about to happen next. He hit her. This was not the Brian she knew. Maybe she didn't know him at all though.

She gasped when his hand hit her cheek. Leaving a stinging pain behind. That was going to leave a mark.

"Shit, shit, shit," Brian kept saying repeatedly. He put his hand on her cheek again but this time rubbed it with his thumb. Daisy stood frozen, wide eyed, looking at him in fear. She looked as though she had just been petrified. "Listen I didn't mean to do that, I'm sorry, I was mad and stressed. I'm so sorry Daisy," he pulled her into a hug and kissed her head but she was still frozen. His words kept repeating in her head.

Listen I didn't mean too do that...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I was mad...and stressed..I'm so sorry..daisy.

And she believed him. He was just mad and stressed. He didn't mean too.

"I-it's okay. I understand." They both pulled away. Brian kissed her goodnight and told her to get to her common room because it's late. She walked off, his words still in her head. But not the same ones. The ones before that.

Listen to me you bitch! I am your boyfriend! You listen to me! You do what I say!

Those words kept repeating in her head. Over, and over, and over, and over again. She reached the common room and entered, music was still blasting, lights were still on, the party was still going on. She just made a beeline for the girls' dormitory stairs.

"Daisy! Daisyyy!"
She heard. It sounded like Fred, but she just kept going, ignoring everyone and everything around her.


Daisy could hardly pay attention in class. All she could do was think of Brian. While flitwick was telling everyone what the spell did, Daisy was deciding what to do. She wanted to hang out with Fred again. But what if the same thing as last time happened? No. She was going to hang out with Fred. Whether Brian liked it or not. Suddenly daisy got a note from Emma.

What's wrong? You look
Deep in thought.

Daisy started writing under the words Emma already wrote on the small peice of parchment.

...I shouldn't be telling you this but me and Brian got into an argument yesterday, and....well. he hit me. But it was an accident. He was mad and stressed.

She sent it back to Emma, then it came back with her answer.

That is not okay! It doesn't matter that he was mad or stressed! You need to break up with him!

No! It was an accident

Are you okay?

Daisy thought. Was she? He hit her...but it was only one time. She's not weak, a little slap isn't to bad, it's alright.
So she just wrote two simple words.

I'm fine.

621 words

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