chapter 9: big babies

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Daisy bid Brian goodnight and kissed his cheek before saying the password to the gryffindor common room and walking inside.

She saw Fred and George on the couch talking and walked over to them.

"Hi Fred, hi George," She sits inbetween them.

"Hi dais." Fred says and smiles.

"Hi daisy." George says. "We were planning a prank. Want to join?"

"I will but I'm going to go to sleep, I'm tired. Can we talk about the prank tomorrow morning?"

"Of course!" He replied.
Daisy stands up and hugs both the twins.

"Goodnight!" She yells when she's heading to the stairs, she hears them both yell goodnight back.

She walks into her dorm, changes into pajamas, brushes her hair, brushes her teeth and goes to bed.


Daisy woke up with a start that morning when she felt ice cold water being poured on her. she screamed at the coldness and quickly sat up to see Emma with a empty bowl in her hands grinning ear to ear.

"What was that for?!" Daisy said.

Emma only shrugged. "You wouldn't wake up and I had no other choice." Daisy rolled her eyes and got up.

"My bed is drenched in water!" Emma smiled and quickly used the hot air charm to dry the bed and then walked off. "Why did you even wake me up?"

"Oh yeah, it's time for breakfast."  After that being said Emma left the dorm. Daisy sighed and walked over to her dresser and pulled out some clothes. She grabbed a towel then went into the bathroom and took a shower.

She got out, got dressed, brushed her teeth, and brushed her hair.


She then put her robes over her outfit and packed everything she would need for her classes today and walked out of the girls dormitory into the gryffindor common room

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She then put her robes over her outfit and packed everything she would need for her classes today and walked out of the girls dormitory into the gryffindor common room.

"Hey Daisy! Ready to plan out the prank?" Fred asked when she reached the end of the stairs. Fred and George were sitting on the couch holding the map that her, Fred, and George stole from filch their first year at Hogwarts.

"Yeah what is it?" She asked and took a seat next to Fred as George began then to speak.

"Well we were thinking of putting dungbombs in the slytherins food so we need to hurry, the maps shows that there are only a few Gryffindors and the teachers in the great hall so let's go!" George said and they all started running to the great hall, George and Fred each had a bag of dungbombs in there hands.

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