chapter 21: fail

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“Hurry up, we gotta go!” Daisy said, the boys were putting on their shoes, the group was in the boys dorm and Lee was missing his shoe and couldnt find it because of how messy the room was. The quidditch game was tomorrow against Hufflepuff and Gryffindor and Daisy, Lee, Fred, and George were going to try and sneak into the Hufflepuff common room. It was very late at night so they suspected that no one would be awake. When Lee finally found his shoe and George grabbed the marauders map they made their way to the hufflepuff common room.

“Ok, the coast is clear, let's go.” George said as they turned a corner leading to the hufflepuff common room. “Mischief managed.'' George put the map away and the group stopped in front of a bunch of barrels that lead to the inside of the common room.

“Do any of you know how to get into the common room?” Lee asked. The others shook their heads.

“Well, I guess we just use our wand and tap a few random barrels.” Fred said and shrugged. He grabbed his wand and started tapping a few barrels. Shortly after the barrels started shooting vinegar at them.

“Great! Now I'm wet and smell of vinegar!” Daisy said, wringing out her clothes. 

“What are you out here doing?!” the voice of Filch said from behind the group. They turned around and saw Filch standing behind them, holding a lantern and his cat, mrs. Norris, right next to him.

“Dammit.” Fred and George both muttered in union.

“Detention for a week! Get back to your common room! Now! Go on!” the group sighed and started walking back to their common room


“My clothes still smell like vinegar!” Daisy complained as she smelled her clothes for what felt like the 100th time.

“At least you weren't wearing your robes?” Emma said, trying to help. Daisy glared at her, signaling she wasn't helping at all. “Sorry…”

“We're going to be late for breakfast if you two don't get your arse down here!!!” Alicia yelled from the bottom of the stairs in the common room. Daisy and Emma walked down the stairs, almost bumping into angelina. She was pacing around the common room and looked deep in thought.

“We can do this Angelina, it's Hufflepuff. We can't lose, we're way better.”

“You don't know that daisy. They have a new seeker. Cedric diggory, he could catch the snitch before us and Hufflepuff could win! I mean we never know!”

“Then at least we tried our best! Lets go and have breakfast before the match begins,” Alicia bellowed. The group walked out and headed toward the great hall. The rest of the Gryffindor team was already at the end of the Gryffindor table.

“Hey hazza!” Daisy shouted. She ruffled his hair and he smacked her hand away.

“I'm not little anymore daisy! You're not supposed to mess up my hair!” Harry complained and started to attempt to fix his hair which is never tidy anyway.

“You still act like your little….why are you even bothering to fix your hair? It's always messy anyways!” Daisy said in a joking tone.  Harry rolled his eyes at her comment and continued eating. Angelina told everyone to hurry up because it's almost time to go to the locker rooms so they can get ready for the match. Daisy finished her toast and then the Gryffindor team stood up and walked to their locker rooms.

Daisy changed into her quidditch clothes and grabbed her broom, she took a seat next to fred and george while the rest of the team got dressed.

“I hope we do good…” Daisy mumbled nervously.

“Of course we will! Just because they got a new member doesn't mean they'll be better!” Fred said. 

“Well if they have a good seeker then they could beat us! We could be 100 points ahead of them but if he catches that snitch before hazza and they have let's say 50 points then they win!! They'll have 300 points while we're stuck with 100!” Daisy explained. Fred just shrugged. Once everyone was there Angelina had a little pep talk and then they were being called out.

“Chasers are Daisy Potter! Alicia Spinett! And also the captain, Angelina johnson!” Lee shouted. He called the rest of the team and then started naming the people on the Hufflepuff team. 

“Captains shake hands!” madam hooch yelled. Soon enough she threw the quaffle in the air and then the bludgers were released into the air also. And then lastly the snitch. As the game went on with Gryffindor in the lead, it seemed Harry still hadn't seen the snitch.

“It seems the gryffindor seeker, harry potter, has seen the snitch!!” Harry was diving upwards into the sky following a tiny golden speck. “Seeker from Hufflepuff is following after him, he is right on his tail!! Oh…well now there in the clouds…I can't see anything now…..” the match continued until Daisy looked up and saw Harry falling. Cedric was still on his broom and had the snitch.

“Cedric diggory had caught the snitch….Hufflepuff wins!” Lee said not as excited as he normally would. Harry had almost hit the ground but Dumbledore stopped him in mid-air. Dumbldore looked furious. The dementors were surrounding the quidditch pitch, even when they weren't supposed to be on Hogwarts grounds. Harry was lowered onto the ground slowly, everyone got off their brooms and Daisy ran to check on him, along with a few other people and the professors. Daisy picked up his broom, it was destroyed, Harry was definitely not going to be happy when he saw his broom. Madam Pomfrey came over then Harry was taken to the hospital wing.

 Daisy looked up and saw a black shaggy dog staring right at her. She rubbed her eyes, there couldn't be a dog at Hogwarts, they were not allowed. When she opened her eyes again it was gone. She turned around and started following everyone as they left the quidditch pitch. The quidditch team went to the hospital wing to visit harry.

After a while he woke up and started asking a few questions. “Well, did we win?” he asked. Everyone shook their heads. “Where's my broom?”

“Well mate, you're not going to like this but when you fell it kinda…” Ron started, Daisy held up the broom to show it to harry. Harry looked very disappointed. They talked some more but then they had to leave. 

“He’ll be okay daisy,” Fred comforted Daisy, she had a very worried look. She was worried for her brother, why were the dementors going after him? Why is he always getting hurt? 

“But what if he's not? I'm probably just overthinking this……but why do they always go after him? Why? Why is he always getting hurt?” Fred pulled Daisy into a hug, neither one of them saying a word as they watched the fire crackle, leaving a glowing yet peaceful color around the room.

After a few minutes of silence Fred finally spoke up. “You're not overthinking. You have the right to be worried about your little brother. He is your family.” Most of the time it was quite rare to see Fred's soft side. He was always a funny, flirty, best friend, who made jokes out of everything. He could be serious when he needed to though. And right now he needs to be serious.

“Thank you Fred.” Daisy quietly says. Fred just hugged her tighter, making sure to not hurt her.

“Are you ready to go to dinner?” Daisy nodded and they both stood up. “I'm gonna go grab George real quick.” Fred walked up the stairs and then told George that he and Daisy were going to dinner. George followed him out and the trio left to go to dinner.

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