chapter 18: scared

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"what's wrong daisy?" Hermione sat next to her, a worried look on her face as she watched daisy cry on the bed. Hermione and daisy have gotten a lot closer and are always spending time together, especially when Hermione needs a break from the boys.

Daisy continued to cry, she took a deep breath and tried to talk. "well I-I got a letter today was f-from Brian, he said he talk, Hermione he doesn't want to talk. He's going to-to hurt me. Hermione, I'm scared."

Hermione's heart broke at hearing that. Hermione pulled her into a hug. "Daisy we should tell professor Dumbledore, maybe he-"

"No! Please no! I don't want to tell him..." Daisy started crying heavily again. Daisy didn't know why she didn't want to tell Dumbledore but she didn't. She just didn't. She didn't want to tell Dumbledore she thinks because she doesn't want Brian to get in trouble. But he hurt her. But he's her first love, and he said he loved her. Someone who loves you wouldn't do this. No. "Okay, I've changed my mind, we'll tell Dumbledore."

Hermione nodded and smiled softly. "Do you want some water?" Daisy nodded and Hermione got up to go to the kitchen.

"Maybe some tissues also?" Hermione nodded again and went to the kitchen where she would get some water for her and daisy. She set both glasses on the counter and went to grab some tissues. On her way back to the kitchen she came across Fred and George.

"Why do you need tissues?" George asked.

"They're for Daisy." Hermione continued to walk out of the kitchen and into the living room.

"Is she okay?" Fred questioned.

"She's alright." Hermione stopped dead in her tracks and set down everything she was holding. She turned around and slapped Fred first, then George. They both hissed in pain and put there hand to there cheek.

"What was that f-" George was about to say but Hermione had started yelling.


"he's always orange!" Fred exclaimed.

"HE IS NOT ALWAYS THAT COLOR ORANGE!" Hermione stepped aside. Letting both Weasley twins look at her cat. Apparently the color hadn't worn off as quickly as they expected, and the cat was still bright orange. "IM GOING TO HEX BOTH OF YOU INTO OBLIVION!" Hermione grabbed her wand, but both twins smiled and ran off. Hermione was about to start running after them until she heard a laugh.

"I told them not to expect me to feel bad for them at there funeral." Daisy was sitting on the stares laughing. Hermione had forgotten that the whole purpose of to why she came downstairs anyway.

"I completely forgot!! Sorry here's your water!" Hermione handed her the water and daisy got up, she sat down in the kitchen.

"It's alright." Daisy chuckled and her and Hermione started talking, until Fred and George came in and Hermione started chasing them. Eventually she gave up.

509 words

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