chapter 3: spider

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After everyone has gone to the Gryffindor common room daisy started looking for Harry to congratulate him on being sorted into Gryffindor. She doesn't see him in the common room so she goes up to the boys dormitory and ends up running into Ron.

"Sorry Ron, didn't see you there."

"It's alright, what are you going up there for?"

"I was going to see harry. Congrats on getting put in Gryffindor kiddo." She ruffles up his hair but he swats her hand away.

"Do you by any chance know where he is?"

"Yeah he's in our dorm unpacking."

"Thanks Ronald!" Daisy yelled while running up the stairs.

She finds a dorm with the names ron Weasley, Neville longbottom, dean Thomas, Seamus Finnegan and Harry Potter.

She knocks on the door until she hears someone yell.

"Come in!" Daisy walks in and runs over to her brother, giving him a tight hug.

"Hey harry!"

"Hi daisy!" Daisy ruffles up his hair and started helping him unpack.

"Congrats on being sorted into Gryffindor."


"You got any good friends?"

"I met Ron Weasley and Hermione granger."

"Well that's good, I'm going to go and find Fred and George."

"Okay by daisy."

"By Harry." Daisy hears a loud yell from the common room when she walks out of Harrys dorm and runs down the stairs.

"I-ITS A SP-SPIDER!!" Daisy reaches the common and sees Ron pointing at a fake spider and Fred and George on the ground laughing.

"Oh my Merlin! It is a spider! Kill it Ron!!" Daisy plays along with the prank, Ron looks at daisy then the spider. He takes out his wand and walks towards the spider. "Wait." A young girl said while walking from the girls dormitory.

"That isn't a real spider, it's fake."

"What?!" Ron suddenly lowers his wand and looks at the spider. "Fred! George!"
Fred and george come out from there hiding place and look at him.

"What?" George says.

"You put that spider there!"

"Us?! Never!" Fred says, him and George matching hurt faces with a hand on there chest.

"Harsh of you to think we would do such a thing!" George says.

"You pranked me and daisy!"

"Actually," daisy says stepping into the conversation. "I just played along with it."

"But-You looked so scared!"

"It's called acting." Ron looked shocked and then turned to the young girl.

"Hermione! How did you know it was fake?!"

"It doesn't look that real, it's actually pretty easy to tell."

"Does Ron got himself a girlfriend? Already? Me and George haven't even gotten one!" Fred says.

"Hermione is not my girl-"

"AWWW look at him so grown up already!" Daisy says and then grabs his cheeks and pinches them.

"Stop it daisy!" Ron swats her hands away.
Hermione rolled her eyes and walked back up the stairs.

"How about you go to bed Ron, I think it's about past your bedtime," George tells ron.

"Stop treating me like I'm a baby!"

"Oh but you are!" Fred says.

"I'm done with you guys." Ron mumbles and makes his way up to his dorm.

The three third years take a seat on the sofa and burst out laughing.

"I can't believe he fell for it!" Fred laughs.

"Yeah! Thanks daisy for going along." George says.

"No problem, is there still a Gryffindor party tomorrow night?"

"You bet." Fred said.

"Alright night boys."
Daisy goes and hugs George then hugs Fred.

"Night daisy." They say.
Daisy makes her way up to her dorm and changes into some pajamas.

589 words.

This was just a short chapter, I'm thinking about posting short chapters during the week days and long ones on Saturdays since school will be starting soon, how does that sound? Remember to eat, drink, and have a nice day💕. -tiki

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