chapter 16: tired

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skip to summer break, daisy is at the weaselys

She cried, sitting on the floor of the bathroom. A razor in her hand. "Shut up...shut up...shut up..." She cried out. Over the time at Hogwarts everything between her and Brian got worse. And he......he did something she didn't like. Daisy just wanted to end it. So she decided that right when she got back to Hogwarts for fifth year she would break up with him. Her legs were covered in cuts and blood. But it felt better then what her heart felt. She felt so tired. She was tired of that constant pain she felt when those voices came back. This felt better. It hurt but it felt like a break.

"Are you okay dear?" Molly asked, knocking on the door.

"Yes just fine!" Daisy called back through her tears, hoping it wasn't obvious that she was crying. As Molly's footsteps faded away daisy sat up and washed off her leg with warm water. It burned like hell. After her leg stopped bleeding, she got changed into some sweatpants and an over-sized t-shirt. She stared into the mirror, looking straight into her own eyes. She sighed and turned away.

So many things went wrong at Hogwarts. So many people were petrified and Harry fought a basilisk and apparently some guy from over 50 years ago, but he was a memory in a diary. At least that's what Harry told daisy. That morning Fred, George, Ron, and daisy went to the dursleys and 'saved' Harry. Of course they got in trouble. Like BIG trouble. Daisy isn't in as much trouble anymore though.

Daisy walked down the stairs for dinner. She took a seat next to Fred and Harry. While Molly put down the last plate of food, daisy just stared. Zoning out into her thoughts, not aware of anything around her. The voices were drowned out, and she didn't even know Fred was snapping his fingers infront of her. "Daisy? Are you there?"

"Hm?" Daisy looked up at Fred, a look of tiredness in her eyes. She looked around and remembered she was at dinner. "Oh um, right. Sorry." She muttered. She started eating, but she didn't feel that hungry at the moment. So she excused herself and went to her bedroom that she shared with Ginny.

"I'm going to go check on her," Fred said and left the table, George following after him. George knocked on the door. No answer. He knocked again, still no answer. The twins decided to just walk in, and when they did they saw daisy in her bed, hugging her legs with her head resting on her knees. She quickly looked up at the sound of the door opening.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"Yeah, of course I am. I'm just tired." She smiled sadly. Fred and George wrapped her in a hug. They stayed like that for quite a long time. Single tear ran down Daisies face.

"George!! I need your help with the dishes," Molly yelled.

"Why don't we just use magic mum!" He called back.

"Just get down here and help!"
George sighed and let go of daisy.

"We're not wizards for nothing." He mumbled on his way out, making daisy laugh slightly.

"What's wrong daisy?" Fred asked, His chocolate brown eyes were full of concern.

"You probably don't, but do you remember when you asked how me and Brians relationship was going?" Fred nodded. "Well....I lied. I'm sorry. He....just something happened between us. I'm going to break up with him when we get to Hogwarts."

"What happened? Are you okay?" Fred asked.

"Well, he umm...he....I don't really want to talk about it." Fred nodded once again. He laid down and pulled daisy close to him. Holding her tightly but making sure not to hurt her. Then she started crying. She couldn't hold it anymore. The hot tears started streaming down her face.

Fred and daisy laid in silence after daisy had stopped crying. He had left about an hour later. daisy fell asleep, feeling happy for some reason.


"Just tell us already!!" Daisy said. Hermione had just arrived at the burrow the night before.

"No!! I'm not telling you who I like!"

"Come on Hermione! Please?" Ginny said with puppy dog eyes.

"Fine! Ron! I like Ron!"
Daisy and Ginny gasped. Ginny was completely shocked. Hermione immediately regretted her decision. "Just don't say anything." Daisy and Ginny nodded there heads, still a look of shock upon there faces.

"You like my brother..." Ginny whispered.

"Can I trust you two?"

"No, not really..." Both daisy and Ginny mumbled. Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Time for bed girls." Molly opened the door and told them.

"Okay, night mum!"

"Goodnight Mrs. Weasley."

"Night Molly." All three girls got into bed, whispering a little throughout the night before falling asleep.


"It's okay, if he's really like that isn't real love. So it would be fine to break up over letter. Just to get it off your chest." Hermione comforted Daisy. Daisy had given in and told Hermione everything. She just needed to tell someone but was afraid too. And everytime she thought about her and Brian it kept bringing bad thoughts.

"Okay." Daisy took a deep breath and then dipped her quill in ink. She began writing. She would write, then stop and think, then she would start writing again, then think, and that kept happening. After thirty minutes the letter was done.

Dear Brian,

I'm sending this letter because, I want to break up....I just can't love someone who would treat me like you treat me.

Daisy potter.

"Thirty minutes and thats all? Okay then, I'll get Errol." Hermione left the room. Daisy stared at the parchment in her hands. She was really about to break up with Brian. They haven't even dated one year. Hermione walked in with Errol on her shoulder. "You ready to send the letter?" She softly asked daisy. Daisy nodded and tied the letter to Errols leg.

As daisy told the Errol where to go and he flew off, she put her head on the night stand. Hermione came behind her and started rubbing her back slowly and softly. "It's okay to cry when there's too much on your mind, even the clouds rain when things get to heavy."

1054 words

It's okay to cry when there's to much on your mind, even the clouds rain when things get to heavy - Amina Mehmood

hey, i know it can be tough but i believe in you! reach out and know it'll all be okay.

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