Chapter 22: mystery

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Chapter 22: mystery

The next few days were smooth, Harry got better so Daisy was more calm. Something has been on her mind though. Every time she's outside, whether for practice, class, or just wandering she always sees that black shaggy dog. She tried to approach it yesterday but it ran off before she could even get within 5 feet of the dog. Today she was heading to the quidditch pitch for practice when she saw that dog in the forbidden forest. She stared at the dog as she walked by, until Alicia ran up to her and started talking.

"You won't believe who I ran into while I was on my way here! Austin Stone! I think I'm in love!" Alicia said dramatically.

"Yeah..wait who?" Daisy asks and finally looks at Alicia.

"Austin Stone, the half-blood ravenclaw in 5th year. He has short brown hair and the most beautiful brown eyes ever!" Alicia answers with a smile.

"Never heard of him and that's not a good description." Daisy says and looks past Alicia to see the dog, but it's gone again. "Hey um..have you seen a black dog running around lately?"

"No..why? Have you been seeing one? You and the boys let out a dog, didnt you?" Alicia asks with suspicion in her voice. Daisy shakes her head and walks to the quidditch pitch with the team. After some warm ups they started their regular practice.

Practice ended after 2 long and painful hours. Daisy, Alicia, and Emma were sitting on the floor of their dorms after they took showers. It was almost dinner and they were laying on the floor not talking. Eventually Daisy stood up and looked out the window across the field. The sun was setting, leaving a beautiful glow across the grass. Daisy looked around and then she saw that black shaggy dog walking into the forbidden forest. She stared as it disappeared once again. She looks behind her, the girls are still unmoving, silent "Should we study?" Daisy asks. Breaking the long silence that was across the room. "Yeah, we have a quiz in Snape's class in a few days." Alicia said. Daisy nods, looking at the window one last time before sitting down and grabbing her bag. She got out her parchment paper, quill, ink, and book. Daisy opened her book and set it so the 2 other girls could also see it. While Emma and Alicia were writing, Daisy was zoned out. She couldn't stop thinking about that dog. She thought she should go tell Dumbledore so

she stands up and walks out, not even telling the girls where she was going. They look at eachother confused but decide it might be best to leave her alone for a bit. Daisy walks to Dumbledore's office, yet while she is walking up the stairs to his office, she runs into Harry. "Hey Haaza. Were you talking to Dumbledore?" She asks, yet Harry just nods and tries walking away. Daisy gently grabs his arm. "Harry, what's wrong?" Her voice is filled with concern.

"Daisy...have you been a dog running around?" Harry asks and turns towards his sister. Daisy nods.

"Yeah. I have. I was actually going to ask Dumbledore about that, but I assume you already have?" Daisy asks softly. She can tell isn't feeling the best. Harry simply nods. "What did he say?"

"He just said he hasn't seen it but he'll tell other people to be on the watch. Daisy...why is there a dog in hogwarts?" Harry asks.

"I don't know Hazza. We'll find it out, but let's go back to the dorm okay?" Harry nods and the two siblings walk in a comfortable silence back to Gryffindor common room. When they arrive Daisy hugs her brother. "Ya'know I love you right?" Daisy says, smiling. Harry smiles back. "Love you too." he says and walks, daisy ruffles his hair before walking away too.

657 words.

sorry that i've been gone so long and sorry for the short chapter- hope its okay tho. I'll try to get back to writing(no i wont) anywayyy have a good day/night! drink water and eat, youre doing amazing and im proud of you.

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