chapter 10: don't hang out with him

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That Tuesday afternoon after lunch Daisy focused for a few minutes and finally she pulled out her mirror, she looked like professor McGonagall. She smiled and stepped into the classroom where students were talking and some were reading. "Today we will be practicing on tur-" she started in her best voice of McGonagall which wasn't bad, only to be interrupted seconds later by the door opening. The real professor McGonagall had stepped into the classroom.

McGonagall sighed at the sight, knowing straight away it was Daisy. "Miss potter...please take a seat."

Daisy pursed her lips like McGonagall would always do and changed back into herself. "Ruining all my fun..." She muttered and students started laughing. She took a seat in the back by herself and class started, she was thankful for no detention.

"Alright everyone. Turn to page 276. The instructions are on the chapter on how to transfigure a button into a hedgehog please start." Daisy started practicing, she was quite good at transfiguration so she got it on her 3rd try. the door opened and Fred and George came into the classroom soaked head to toe. "Mr and Mr Weasley! Detention!" She used a simple spell to dry them and told them to take a seat in the front.

After the hour of class the teenagers finally left. "What prank did you guys do?" Alicia asked the twins when everyone was heading to there next class.

"You will find out later." They replied. Daisy and Alicia rolled there eyes, the twins were always mysterious.

"Oh whatever, anyway, what are you guys being for Halloween?" Daisy said.

"What do you mean what are we being for Halloween?" Angelina asked sounding very confused.

"Like dressing up."

"I'm not dressing up for a holiday." Alicia said.

"Oh, well I'm being a witch."

"I'm being a bat," willow said.

"You already are a witch, daisy," Alicia told daisy still quite confused.

"Yeah but I'm going to dress up like the muggles see us."

"Okay..." Fred says. They made it it to potions and Angelina and willow sat in the back on the right side of the room, Emma and George sat Infront of them, Daisy and Fred sat on the left side of the room in the back and Angelina sat Infront of them with a Hufflepuff. Professor Snape stepped into the room, "we are making the confusion concoction, grab your book and turn to page 74 and get started."

"Okay we will need 4 spoonfuls of flobberworm mucus, 4 sprigs lovage, 6 amount scurvy grass, 2 sprigs sneezewort, and 2 cups standard potioning water. Fred go get the ingredients." Daisy told Fred.

"Yeah yeah whatever mum!" Fred said sarcasticly. Daisy rolled her eyes and smiled. When Fred came back he put everything on the table. Daisy put 1 cup of water into the cauldron and turned it to medium heat.

Daisy started looking over the instructions. "Add the scurvy leaves and let it simmer for 1 minute," she told him, he added them and they both say back while they waited. Daisy checked her watch and it was time for the next step. "Add the lovage to the cauldron and let it simmer for 12 more minutes without stirring."

"How long will this potion take?!" Fred whined. "I'm going to be 60 when this is over."

"You're so dramatic." After the 12 minutes they checked there potion. "Okay it says to stir 12 times clockwise." Daisy started stirring the potion until she had stirred it 12 times clockwise. "Now we let it simmer...again, for 2 minutes."

"This is taking sooo long!" Daisy chuckled at Fred and looked at the time.

"It's only 2 minutes."

"2 minutes my arse."

After two minutes they continued the potion.

"Okay, add the sneezewort to the cauldron...and then cover it and leave it for 20 minutes."

"Will it be done after this?"

"Nope." After what felt like forever, to Fred atleast, the 20 minutes was over. "Okay uncover it and add the flobberworm mucus."

"I'm not doing that!"

"Well neither am I!"

"Well then our potion will never be finished." Fred sat down in his chair and put his feet on the table. Daisy rolled her eyes and uncovered the cauldron and added the flobberworm mucus. She allowed it to brew for 3 minutes not covered like the book said, once it was thick she added 1 cup of water.

"Fred!" She said waking him up.


"Since you didn't want to help you can stir it. 4 times clockwise then 5 times counterclockwise."

"Fine fine." After that daisy used the confundus charm and there potion was done.

"Miss potter, Mr Weasley, is your potion finished."

"Yes professor." Daisy replied. Snape walked over and examined the potion, it was a yellow-green color, like the book said it should be.

"Five points to Gryffindor." Snape muttered and walked away. Daisy and Fred eyes widened, along with a few people around them who heard.

"Do you think he's on his death bed?" Fred asked daisy and sat down.

"He would surely not be giving Gryffindor points if that was the case, he would make there life a living hell."

"I guess your right." He shrugged and they sat and talked a little while waiting to be dismissed.

"Class dismissed." They were finally free. They left the classroom and started roaming the halls during there break.

"I'm gonna go meet up with Brian. I'll see you lot later."

Fred rolls his eyes at the mention of Brian. "Come on daisy, just stay with us."

"I have been with all of you all day. I'm gonna go see Brian." Daisy heard Fred mutter a few not-so-kind words before she walked off to the bench her and Brian would be meeting at.

"Hi Brian!" She says and hugs him when she sees him there.

"Oh! Hey Daisy!" He smiles at her and hugs her back. He kisses her head and they go to sit at the bench. "Whats wrong?" He asked.

Daisy sighed. "Fred...he doesn't like you. And I don't even know why!" Brian's lips thinned.

"Maybe...just should stop hanging out with him..."

"What?! I-i can't just suddenly stop hang out with him. We have been friends since 1st year."

"But maybe it's for the best."

"No it-it could never be for the best, Fred is one of my best friends."


"I-i can't." Daisy stands up and let's go of Brians hands that were just holding hers. She speedwalks to the common room. "Caput draconis."

"There you are." Fred says. He goes up to her and hugs her. "Sorry for what I said about your...boyfriend.

"It's alright. You just got to warm up to him." She smiles. He nods slowly and they go sit down on the couch with Emma, George, willow and Alicia.

"Hey Willow? Want to go to the library?"


1157 words.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter -tiki ❤️

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