chapter 19: peace in break up

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"We can throw dungbombs into some random compartments? I still have a lot from last year." Daisy suggested. Daisy and the twins were trying to come up with prank ideas before everyone was on the train. The twins agreed and so Daisy opened her trunk and pulled out a few dungbombs. "Alright, lets go.'' The trio left the compartment and started looking through compartments. They put some dungbombs in a few empty compartments and then threw a few in ones with two to three people. They got yelled at by quite a few people. After they were out of dungbombs they went back to their compartment.

"Did you see their faces when we threw one in their compartment!!" Fred laughed. The trio was doubled over laughing in their compartment. For a second Daisy forgot all about brian, all about the "talk" and forgot about how she was about to break up with brian at hogwarts. She was so happy she forgot all about her problems.

There was a knock at the compartment door so Daisy got up and opened it. The lady who walked around with the trolley was smiling at them. "Anything from the trolley dears?" Daisy knew that the Weasleys didn't have much money so everytime the trolley came around she would always ask Fred and George what they wanted.

"What do you guys want?" Daisy looked behind her shoulder at the twins.

"I want a pumpkin pasty and cauldron cake," Fred said.

"So do i" George said Daisy nodded and turned back to the lady.

"3 pumpkin pasties, 3 cauldron cakes, and 3 licorice wands please," Daisy got some money and gave it to the lady who gave her the sweets she requested. "Thank you." The lady went to the next compartment while Daisy took a seat across from the twins. She passed out the pumpkin pasties and cauldron cakes then put the licorice wands next to her. "Do either one of you want one?" they both nodded so she gave both of them one.

"I wonder how many owls we'll get." George said while eating his licorice wand.

"Well we all know if we don't get over 7 owls Molly will kill us." Daisy looked at both of them, knowing they wouldn't over 4 owls. Daisy is going to try to get over 7 owls. She doesn't know what she wants to do after hogwarts. She's thought maybe a healer but then again there's the joke shop and she's almost 100% sure that's what she wants to do. She still wants good grades just in case the joke shop doesn't work out.


As Daisy took a seat at Gryffindor table, all the happiness she felt during the train ride to Hogwarts had disappeared. She looked over to the slytherin table and skimmed the table for brian. She found him and saw he was already looking at her. They locked eyes and Daisy quickly looked away. She looked towards the sorting where the first years were being sorted. One kid was sorted into gryffindor, daisy stood up and clapped. The kid sat next to them. Daisy didn't hear their name so she didn't try to make conversation with them. After the sorting, Dumbledore said a few words and then the feast began.

The prefects were taking the first year Gryffindors to the Gryffindor common room and the rest of the students trailed behind. Daisy saw brian when all the houses were going to their common rooms and he was glaring at her shaking his head. Daisy sighed. Tomorrow she will break up with him.


Daisy has her first free period after transfiguration. And she was very nervous. She tried to concentrate but it was quite hard. All she could think about was how she was about to break up with brian. Mcgonagall was lecturing all the students about owls and how important they are for their future.

Transfiguration ended and Daisy went looking for brian. After a long time of walking she found him leaning against a wall. "Brian can we talk?" Daisy asked nervously.

"There you are! I've been looking for you my love.....lets go talk." he grabbed her arm and pulled her into an empty classroom. That classroom. She suddenly remembered the last time she was in here. When he hit her. When he used the cruciatus curse on her. She suddenly felt overwhelmed. She turned to face him and then he slapped her. She didn't move though. She was done with him. She was going to break up with him so this would not happen again. No more excuses. He looked silently surprised that she didn't do anything.

Daisy grabbed her wand just in case. "We're done brian. I'm breaking up with you so I don't have to deal with this again. So you don't hurt me. I will be telling professor dumbledore so no other woman has to go through this like i had too." brian looked at her in shock as she pointed her wand at him. He took a deep breath and glared at her.

"Fine. ill leave you alone, but don't tell anyone." Daisy didn't know what would happen if she said she was going to anyway so she just nodded. She didn't want to know what would happen though. He left and she waited a second before leaving to go to professor Mcgonagall's office. Daisy didn't really want to go straight to professor Dumbledore, so she went to Mcgonagall.

She knocked and then heard "come in" Daisy walked in and closed the door behind her. Mcgonagall looked at her through her glasses. "Yes Ms. Potter?" Mcgonagall said questionably.

"Well umm....i need to talk to you about something." Mcgonagall nodded towards the seat across from her. Daisy took a seat.

"Care for a biscuit?" Daisy shook her head.


After talking Dumbledore had a talk with brian and his parents and brian would be moving schools, maybe worse but she does't know. Daisy felt at peace now that she knew brian would be leaving. She fell asleep not worrying for once.

1001 words

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