chapter 15: dreams

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"Stop Brian!"

"I'm your boyfriend and your going to listen to me! I'm sick and tired of this shit! I'm tired of you and him!" He hits her again, Then he stops. "Crucio!" Daisy screams in pain. This was the worst pain she ever felt. It felt as though someone was hitting her, chocking her, stabbing her, shooting her, drowning her. Everything. She screamed hoping someone, anyone would hear her. Save her from the pain she was feeling as it got worse by the second. But no one came. She continued to scream in agony.

Then she woke up...

She looked around and everyone was asleep. She looks at the clock. It was 4 am. Daisy was covered in cold sweat and she was breathing very heavily. Was this a dream trelawney was talking about? No. That wouldn't happen. Brian wouldn't do that.

Daisy gets up and walks to the bathroom. She grabs clothes and takes a shower. When she gets out she decides too read until its time for breakfast. Then in divination she can tell trelawney about the dream. Or at least tell her she had a dream. She of course couldn't tell her what it was about.



"Oh! Yes, dear?"

"So um, I had a dream. I'd rather not go into detail. But I will the next time. I promise."

"Oh okay. Well I'm almost certain your a seer."

Daisy smiles and leaves the classroom. She heads to lunch and sits next to Fred and George.

"You going to join us for a new prank tomorrow?"

"Can't. Sorry," daisy said and smiled at Fred.

They continued eating and then went to the black lake before classes again.


The dreams started happening more often. Most were funny things now. Like one daisy had, the twins put a potion in everyone's drink, so when they took a drink from there goblet they turned different colors. So far that hasn't happened and of course she has been telling trelawney she's been having dreams.

Daisy walked into the great hall, half already knowing this would happen half shocked at what she saw. Everyone was different colors. Other then her, Fred, and George. She smiled and looked at trelawney who was a bright shade of red. Trelawney smiled back and nodded. As if confirming daisy was a seer.

Daisy took a seat across from the twins and scooted her goblet away from her.

"Why don't you take a drink Daisy?" George asked and scooted the goblet back toward her.

"I know that you guys put a potion in the drinks to make everyone change colors. So no thanks."

"But how?! Did you hear us talking about it?" Fred asked in disbelief.

"Well I had a dream about it. Remember when I said trelawney thought I was a seer? This is proof."

"Trelawney doesn't know what she's talking ab-" Emma started, she was yellow.

"Why do you guys never believe me!?" Daisy stands up and storms out. Maybe she was overreacting but she was tired of them not believing her, and also making fun of trelawney. While daisy is roaming the halls before her first class, she is pulled into a classroom.

"Silencio," someone whispered.
Daisy looked up and saw Brian looking at her. "What did I tell you about him?!"

"I'm sorry! But he's my best friend! I can't ignore him forever considering I live with him too!"

"You live with him?! Your basically cheating!"

"It's either that or my good for nothing aunt and uncle! They hate me!"

Then he hit her. Again, and again, and again until she lost her balance and fell to the floor.

"Stop Brian!"

"I'm your boyfriend and your going to listen to me! I'm sick and tired of this shit! I'm tired of you and him!" He hits her again, Then he stops. "Crucio!" Daisy screams in pain. this was the worst pain she ever felt. it felt as though someone was hitting her, chocking her, stabbing her, shooting her, drowning her. Everything. She screamed hoping someone, anyone would hear her. Save her from the pain she was feeling as it got worse by the second. But no one came. She continued to scream in agony.

He stopped after what felt like forever. "Pathetic."

He walked out leaving daisy there, gasping for breath, barely able to move. When she was able to move and stand up she felt dizzy. Why would he do that? What does she do now? Should she just leave him? No, he loves her. Daisy checks her watch and notices class is about to start. Even though she's dizzy she sprints to the common and grabs her bag. Then leaves for potions. Daisy acts like nothing happened. Like she didn't just get the cruciatus curse used on her. Her body still ached but not as bad as it did before.


Sitting on the couch, Fred's arm hanging loosely around her shoulder as they watched the fire. Daisy kept having voices in her head the entire time. Things like, they hate you, just end it. Or you deserved what you got, you didn't listen to him.

She just wanted it to stop. Those voices hurt. Not physically, but mentally and emotionally. And she actually considered ending it. Why is her life so complicated. This was supposed to be the day of a quidditch game, but it got cancelled. Harry, Ron, and daisy we're rushed to the hospital wing only to find out that Hermione had been petrified. She was holding some sort of mirror. Daisy was only there to help Harry and Ron through it. You would think they would at least cry when they saw her.

Of course daisy loved Hermione, she didn't get to spend a lot of time with her but they would talk occasionally. Fred was comforting Harry, daisy, and Ron. But Harry and Ron both went to there dorm. So now it was just Fred and daisy.

"So how is it going with you and Brian?" Daisy thought. How was it going? He hit her. He used the cruciatus curse on her. Is everything good? Why is she even asking herself this. She's fourteen. Is she to young for this? Yes.

"Good. Everything is going great really." Fred tensed up and his jaw was clenched. He continued to look into the fire, and not say a word after that.

"What's wrong?" Daisy asked. It was clear just by looking at him that something was wrong.

"Nothing..." Daisy sighs already knowing she won't get it out of him since he's so stubborn. The silence continued the rest of the night, atleast until daisy had fallen into a dreamless sleep.


Fred shook daisy gently, trying to wake her up. When she woke up she was thankful for it being the weekend. Because if she had classes she would have been very late. "I brought you breakfast."

"Oh, thanks Fred." Daisy smiled and started eating. George came down and sat next to daisy, taking a peice of bacon and eating it. The other girls came down shortly after.

Daisy said she was going for a walk and then left the common room, but during her walk she had let her thoughts take over. And she has the same thoughts she did the night before.

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