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*This is my book translated into English.I know there's a lot of mistakes but English isn't my first language so I would be grateful if you would correct me. And when you do that, for example in the comments, I'll immediately correct these mistakes in the book. Thank you and I wish you all the best.*


"Did you want to see me? " Girl entered the shady room.

"Yes. " Man replied in a dry tone, he was sitting in the darkness right in front of her. "I hope you remember what you're supposed to do?"

"I remember. " She said. "No need to worry. " Added, to which the other one laughed at her.

"Worry? " He repeated after her. "You know perfectly well what awaits you if you do something wrong. " Said sharply.

"You won't kill me. " She replied indifferently. "You need me so you can't do it. Otherwise... You're the one who's going to get in trouble. "

After her words, the man stood up, quickly approached her, then grabbed her by the throat and began to choke.

"Don't think you have an advantage over me. " He said nervously. "It's your duty to help in this matter, you have no right to oppose me, you understand?! " Jerked it and tightened his grip to which teenage girl began to lack air even more. "Don't think you're going to trick me. "He let her go.

Rachel fell to the ground and greedily began to take in air.

"Also, don't forget that it is because of you that I'm in this situation. " Looked at her in disgust. "It was all your fault. " His voice was harsh and cold.

"I know..." She said hoarsely. "You don't have to remind me of that. " Staggered to her feet.

"You will now politely go to this hellish exam... " He threatened with his finger. "And you'll pass it nicely. Understood?"

Yes... Hiroto-san... " Girl replied uncertainly.

"You have to make careful observations in relation to everything, otherwise, we will never find him. " Man looked at the computers standing on the desk next to him.

"We'll find him. If your assumptions are correct, we'll soon find him. I promised you that I would find him and so I would. "

"You promised because you had no other choice. "Hiroto looked at her angrily. "All Might has definitely weakened in recent years... It's obvious that just in case he will be looking for a successor ... " Said thoughtfully. "After the last investigation, it was decided that it must be someone from the U.A. You have to find him. "

"I will. " She nodded.

"And now go to that damn exam, I don't want to look at you anymore, it's too much. "He sighed and sat down in the chair.

"Yes, fathe... " She stuttered, which caught the man's attention. "I mean... Yes, Hiroto-san. " Rachel corrected herself immediately and moved towards the exit.

"Don't forget yourself. " Hiroto said for her severely. "You're supposed to call me 'Hiroto-san' every time we're alone or with this doctor or boss. "Father" or "Dad," you're just talking for the show, understood? "

"Yes..." She lowered her head. "I'll go now... Hiroto-san... " Added and left the room.

Later, teenager arrived at the place where the U.A. entrance exam had just begun.

"Give them here!! " She heard a loud scream next to her. "I'm going to kill them all!! " Blond boy shouted and moved forward.

Rachel turned her head to the side, then shook off quickly and followed the screaming madman.

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