"Sports Festival, huh? " Hiroto said thoughtful. "Our plans don't change. " He looked at Rachel standing next to her. "This is the second part of the list that excludes people who are certainly not the successors of All Might? "

"Yes. "Girl replied and gave man a list. "There're a lot of people there so it's going to take me a while... "

"Not too much I hope. " The other one growled. "Get ready for this Festival, don't neglect training. "

"Yes, Hiroto-san. " She nodded. "I'll do that. " Assured him. "And may I...? MAy I see Shinichiro...? "She asked uncertainly what caught her father's attention.

"Why? " Man hissed. "He's going to die soon anyway, you won't help him. "Said and returned to looking at the lists. "Besides, have you forgotten that he hates you?" He laughed. "But okay, let it be, go to him and then go back to training. "

"Okay..." She nodded and left the room.

She wandered the gloomy corridors until she finally reached another room, knocked and went inside.

"You again...? " She heard as soon as she crossed the threshold. "Aren't you bored with that?" Man asked from inside in a weak voice. "I've already told you... I don't want to see you. "

"You don't have to see me. " Takao stood behind the man sitting on the chair. "You can only listen to me. "

"It's still annoying. " The other one snorted and rested his head on his hand. "So? Why are you here this time? "

"I wanted to see you..." She replied sadly. "I know you don't like it... But... " Her voice broke when she saw boy sitting in front of her who couldn't move on his own feet. "I'm sorry..." Tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Stop it. " He interrupted her. "I've already told you to stop coming here! I don't want to see you! My life ended the day you were born! " He shouted at her. "It's because of you that mom is dead! It's all your fault! "

"I know..." She wiped away her tears and placed fresh fruit on desk next to the dark-haired boy. They were fresh mandarins, which he liked very much. "After all... Shin-aniki... " Takao looked into his dark eyes. "I'll come back here again..." She walked towards the door. "Forgive me for causing you a problem with this, but you have to endure it somehow... Brother. " Added and left the room, to which Shinichiro sighed.

"Cause a problem? " He repeated her words in a whisper and then hid his face in his hands. "You're not a problem for me, stupid sister... " Tears rolled down his cheeks. Rachel didn't hear his words. "You're the only reason I'm still alive... Stupid Ray. " He shook his head.

Shinichiro, who is Rachel's older brother, actually loves his little sister very much. Boy didn't need a wheelchair before. When their father came up with the stupid idea of doing experiments on humans and seeing how much a person could maintain in his body, Shinichiro volunteered instead of his sister to protect her. Brother saw how the earlier victims of the experiments suffered, none of them survived, and if anyone succeeded, he lived a short life and in terrible torment. Shinichiro's body endured a lot, but not enough, boy landed on a wheelchair, and his place, as an ordinary experimental rabbit, was replaced by his beloved sister, who at the moment lasted the longest of all. Rachel's brother never really blamed her for the fate that befell their mother, he only said so because he wanted her to hate him. He wanted to hurt her so much that she wouldn't have to suffer again at the moment of losing a loved one. They both suffered a lot and he didn't want her to have to go through it again. He thought that if he made his Ray hate him, then teenager would suffer less after her brother's death, which unfortunately seemed to be fast approaching. His body was slowly dying and there was no cure.

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