When the list of people in what order the students reached the finish line appeared on the big screen, it turned out that Bakugou was in fourth place, Rachel in fifth, and Kirishima in sixth. The first place, of course, was taken by Dara, who still smiled victoriously at his friend.

The first forty-two people got into the next round. In the second round, a cavalry battle was to take place. Participants can form teams of two to four people as they wish. Apparently, it was supposed to resemble a real cavalry battle, but here it differs in one thing. Namely, based on the results of the last game, each person is worth some number of points. Each team is worth a different number of points depending on its members. Points are allocated from five starting from the end of the list of people who have passed on. In contrast, the value allocated to the first is worth ten million.

When Rachel heard this, she immediately started laughing and went to her friend and put her hand on his shoulder.

"I'll be rooting for you, honey." She quoted and smiled at him pugnaciously.

"Ahaha... " Dara laughed nervously. "Thank you, you encouraged me, really." He looked at her.

It's an attempt to survive the strongest with a chance for those at the bottom to outdo the top. There is a time limit, fifteen minutes. Each team is worth as much as the sum of its members' points, and riders will have a band with this number on their foreheads. Teams will try to get the armbands before the time runs out and try to score as many points as possible. Stolen bands must be worn from the neck upwards. More of them will be collected, the more difficult it will be to maintain them. The most important point is that even if someone steals the armband or the team falls, you stay in the game. In total, there are forty-two participants, which means that there will still be ten or twelve teams on the field. However, you can still use your abilities, which makes things a bit easier. Even so, it is still a cavalry battle. Teams can get a red card for attacks that try to deliberately throw off the opponent, in which case you are immediately thrown out.

Within the allotted fifteen minutes, the students were to join teams.

"Ray-chin? " Dara said.

"Forget. " Girl replied without even looking at him.

"Okay, fine. " He shrugged. "I already have three pretty girls, you could be the fourth. " Takao snorted at his words and then approached him and punched him in the head.

Teenager sighed and walked away from the already gathered group, and after a few moments she heard a familiar voice, which unfortunately belonged to Mineta.

"Takao-san..." He said, all drooling. "Do you want to be with m...? "

"No, thank you. " She replied right away. "I'd rather be with Dara. " Sighed.

"Oi! Spooky fairy! " Suddenly someone's voice called, and when Rachel turned around, she saw Bakugou and Kirishima standing next to each other. "Do you want to...?"

"Yes! " She screamed without letting him finish the sentence and quickly ran away from Mineta and then grabbed the boys under their arms. "You're saving my life. " Woman breathed, which caused red-haired man to laugh. "But that "spooky fairy"?" She looked at blond boy. "Why "spooky"?"

"Because you're spooky. " He replied indifferently.

"Me?! " She was surprised.

After the allotted time, twelve teams were ready to fight, and then the countdown to the start began.

In Rachel's team, Bakugou was the rider and Kirishima was the horse. Takao was on the right side and Sero on the left.

Poor Dara was immediately attacked, but Rachel knew him very well and knew how cunning he was. Boy coped perfectly with dodging before subsequent attacks.

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