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Rachel was first taken to the hospital and later received proper medical care. Everyone already knew that teenager turned out to be a traitor, this truth shocked everyone. Takao told Aizawa the whole truth without any resistance, why she went to school, she told everything about Stain, what her intentions were and what her father and his allies were doing. The heroes didn't really know what they should do with the young student now. The whole class, especially Bakugou and Kirishima, interceded for her, just as their teacher himself. Aizawa always took the side of his apprentice during all the meetings.

From the beginning he watched her closely and saw that girl didn't lie about everything she did or said, she was really happy to meet these people. As for Rachel's father, she was told he had died. It was hard for her to believe all this.

A few weeks have passed since the whole grim situation. Takao didn't return to school, she was under the observation of the heroes. She was a young girl, so it was difficult to make a decision. Some said to punish her properly, and others interceded for her, saying that the fault lay mainly with her parent, who tortured her and ordered her to do horrible things. The quarrel was endless, but in the end Aizawa offered a solution.

"I'll take care of Rachel. " He said at one of the meetings. "Let the girl stay in my care, I'll keep an eye on her. Since the beginning of the school year, I have watched her as well as the rest of my students, and I can say with certainty that she is a good person... Quite simply, she came across bad people who led her down a bad, even horrible path. That's why I'm asking for your understanding..." He looked at Nezu, the headmaster of the U.A. school. "Headmistress, please let Rachel stay in my care for this moment. The decision in this matter is difficult, and by the time it is made, let girl stop feeling this constant fear. I'll take her with me to school, she'll return to class, I know that with the help of my students we'll be able to do much more, therefore... Please think about my proposal. " He bowed. "Rachel deserves a second chance, this time she'll get the right care and won't deviate from the path again... "

During the constant deliberations, Takao sat alone in one of the cells that the heroes had prepared. However, it wasn't there as tragically as in the place where all experiments took place on it. The cell she got, or rather could be called a room, was well equipped. It had a normal bed, a table and chair, and a bathroom. Teenager guessed that these were not some of the cells that villains much more dangerous than her were getting, or so she thought. She doubted that she had any hope of a new start.

Practically every day since schoolgirl was locked in this place, Aizawa came to her and talked to her calmly. Teenager told him everything, she didn't hide anything anymore, she said what was on her heart. After a few days, someone she didn't expect appeared in her cell.

"K-Katuski...? " She was surprised to see blond man entering the room.

"Aizawa-sensei let me see you. " He said and then approached girl huddled on the ground. Boy sighed and sat next to her on the floor.

"W-why did you come...? " She asked in a weak voice.

"Because I wanted to, it's simple. " Replied and then leaned against the wall.

"But why? " Girl glanced at him uncertainly, then again wrapped her hands around her knees and hid her face. "After everything I've done... You should hate me... "

"Should I? " He repeated after her. "How can you be sure that I liked you before, maybe it was the other way around? " Asked and then sighed. "Stop now, Ray. " Man said, and the moment he scraped her name, girl had tears in her eyes. "What was, passed, forget about it... There's no point in going back to things past. Otherwise, you'll never move on. "

"I won't move on. " She interjected in a whisper. "I've done horrible things, I don't deserve forgiveness... Or another chance. Although I knew that I would end like this... " She broke off for a moment and then hid her face again. "Katsuki..." She whispered. "No... Bakugou..." She corrected. "I don't deserve your kindness... Maybe you don't realize it or don't even want to think about it, but I remember what I did... I helped the League of Villains... All For One... And even Stain... It was because of me that Iida's brother ended up like that. " Cried. "If it weren't for me... He wouldn't be in that state, he could still be a great hero... And because of me he almost died... " She shook her head. "Shin-chan..." She remembered her brother. "I was stupid to believe Hiroto's words... After I was supposed to help Stain, he was supposed to resume Shinichiro's treatment... Girl wiped away a few tears but it didn't help much, because immediately afterwards more salty drops came out of her eyes. "I just wanted to save my brother... Through all this, Iida's brother paid a high price, not only him... Others even paid for it with their lives... And what is all this for...? Now I don't have Shin-chan or Dara, Connie or Yui anymore... Everything we worked on, believed in and planned... It's gone, everything is gone, and I'm left alone..." She shook her head.

"Alone, huh? " Bakugou repeated in his reflection. "And what am I? Some damn ghost?! " Shouted at her. "I'm sitting here next to you right now and listening to your talk!" Shook his head. "That's why... Stop saying you're left alone. "He snorted. "I'm sitting next to you, spooky fairy. "Hit her on the head. "I'm really here. "Said when teenager looked at him uncertainly. "After all, everyone makes mistakes... It's hard to live, and it's even harder to follow the path that someone has predestined you and forced you to follow. Can I forgive you or not...? Huh... If I couldn't, I wouldn't be here, you know? Spooky fairy. " Looked into her tearful eyes. "Kirishima thinks the same, but he couldn't come here because Aizawa-sensei only allowed one person to come. And so he bent the rules by letting me in to you. Pull yourself together, Ray..." He looked at her again. "Not everything is lost yet. " Stroked her head, which caused more tears of dark-haired woman. "And one more thing... Decide if you call me Katsuki or Bakugou! " He shouted at her, to which girl jumped slightly. "If you started calling me by my first name, don't suddenly change your mind and go back to Bakugou! Understood?! " He snorted.

"Yes. " She replied immediately and nodded her head, then shyly glanced at her companion. "Thank you... "

"Don't thank me. " Teenager interrupted her. " You have nothing to thank me for. " Looked at the student. "You would do the same. " Added, and Rachel couldn't control her tears again, so she hid her face in her hands, to which Katsuki only sighed. "Stop crying..."Man shook his head and put his arm around her, and then teenager snuggled up in tears. "You're so cry baby, Ray..." Said, but he didn't hide his smile. "If you dirty my blouse, you'll have to wash it or buy another one!" Added, which caused a quiet laugh of teenager. "It's not a joke, it's true!"

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