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"Get your hands off me! " Rachel struggled to free herself, but it was rather reluctant.

She was taken to the hideout of the League of Villains, and there she also met Bakugou, handcuffed and tied to a chair.

"Ah, Rachel-chan! " Toga called seeing the girl. "I missed you already. " She smiled.

As soon as Shigaraki looked at Takao, shivers passed through her whole body. Right in front of the League's boss was Katskuki, who looked quite surprised by the way things turned out.

"Rachel..." Tomura was still looking at her. "Someone wants to see you. " He said dryly. "And when it's over..." He looked at Bakugou again. "You'll pay dearly for everything. "

Takao didn't dare to speak up. Shigaraki can be overwhelming when she gets pissed off, but more than his, the teen feared his Master, All For One, this man really scared her.

"Take her out." He waved his hand at what girl looked at the kidnapped blond boy for the last time, and a moment later she moved to another hideout.

The villain who had brought her there sat her on a chair and tied her tightly.

"What do you want...? " She asked uncertainly.

"Pretty stupid question, don't you think? " He replied and looked at her. "All in good time. " He added then turned away from her. "Take care of her, I go back to Shigaraki. " Said and disappeared into the portal.

" It's been a long time since we've seen each other, have we...? " She heard a familiar voice that was just approaching her. "Ray-chin. " Dara stepped inside, stood in front of girl and smiled.

"Dara..." Teenager looked at him. "Where's Bakugou? " Asked immediately. "What do you want from him? What did you do to him? "

"Easy, easy..." He waved his hand. "Currently, Bakugou is talking to the boss. We haven't hurt him, yet. " Looked significantly at scared friend. "Shigaraki wants him to join us. "

"He won't. " Takao said confidently.

"Where do you get that confidence? " Dara shook his head.

"Because I know him. " She added firmly. "He wants to be number one and he'll be number one. He works the hardest of all... Katsuki will never join... "

"Katsuki..." Boy repeated for her. "Nice that you already call him by name. "

"Stop it, Dara. You don't have to do this, please ..." She looked pleadingly at her friend. "Let me go... Help me... "

"Why would I do this? " Man leaned against the desk and looked at Takao again. "What's in it for me, huh? Compared to your proposal, the League's proposal is much more attractive. "

"Dara. " Woman said firmly. "This isn't you! And you know it! "

"Ray-chin. " Boy shook his head. "This is who I've always been. " Said with a mean smile. "I can do what I want without looking too much of the consequences. "

"Is that what you want? " She asked devastated. "Really? You used to have much better dreams, plans... You can still fulfill them, Dara, it's not yet... "

"Enough. " He interrupted her. "I don't want to hear it again. Let it go. " Looked at her hostile. "Tell me ... Was it worth it? " He shook his head. "Everything's gone ..." Said thoughtfully. "First Yui, then Shinichiro, and now Connie... And you." He looked into her eyes. "Yeah, your father knows you killed Connie." Nodded. "You pissed him off a lot, you know? He'll be here soon. " Glanced at the clock. "And then he'll deal with you. "

"You have to watch me until he comes...?" She asked hesitantly.

"Yeah. " Nodded. "Theoretically yes. " He looked at her again.

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