It has been some time since passing the exam and starting to study at the famous school. As it turned out, Rachel ended up in the same classroom as that screaming madman. He had quite an interesting personality, girl stated almost immediately.

After preliminary observations and analyses, the young woman had already excluded several individuals, but it was difficult to determine who might be the successor to All Might. Takao also had to be careful that no one would suspect her of anything.

"Ah, Takao-san! " Uraraka called. Right next to her was Momo. "Can we sit down next to you?" She asked, pointing to place next to her.

Rachel looked at them and smiled quite naturally.

" Yes. " She nodded. "Of course. " Glanced at them in deep reflection. She had analyzed them before and could certainly have ruled them out. Although one of them seemed to be a person capable of someone as strong as All Might to turn to her, Takao thought it would be too obvious. Besides, after a long time she spent with them, her thesis was confirmed. "Call me by my name. " Dark-haired woman added and then put a lock of her hair behind her ear.

Rachel had black hair, which in some places showed white strands. She was slim, and because of the muscles appearing on her body, she gave the impression of a really strong person. In addition, her eyes were red.

"So Rachel-san..." Uraraka began. "What do you think of the U.A.? It's amazing here, isn't it?! " Said joyfully.

"Well... " Black-haired woman drank water. "I didn't spend long enough time here to say that this place is so amazing... " She said quite dryly. "It's just equipped with everything that's needed for schools that train kids to be heroes." Added and looked at the schoolgirls sitting opposite her. "It's normal." Sighed and then took a deep breath.

"Be nice." She remembered.

"But you're right! " Takao called out after a while and smiled broadly at girls. "This place has a certain charm in it, it makes it extremely different. " Said with a fake smile, and her words pleased her companions. "And the whole thing certainly makes it an amazing place! " She took the empty tray in her hand and set off with the intention of giving it back. "Now forgive me, I'm going to give the tray back. " Added with a nice smile, and as soon as she moved away, her face immediately changed to the raw and cold one. "Ugh, what an anguish..." Shook her head.

"Takao-san! Look out! "A male voice suddenly sounded.

"Huh? " Dark-haired woman turned out, and literally a second later the pasta landed on her hair along with the sauce that seasoned it.

Rachel took a deep breath.

"Calm down, calm down... " She repeated to herself.

"We're so sorry! " Denki said terrified. "Bakugou it's your fault!" He shouted at the blond boy. "I know it was going to hit Midoriya, but look what you did!"

"Shut up, I'll kill you too! " The other one growled. "Besides, it's not my fault, the tray fired on its own. "

"Perhaps because you used your abilities...? " Kirishima suggested.

"So what?! She should be careful! " Madman shouted, and Rachel could no longer stand it.

"Huuuh?! I was supposed to be careful here?! " She shook off a bit of the food that landed on her.

"If you are training to be a hero, you should be prepared for it! As well as for everything else! " They argued.

"Should I be prepared for some spaghetti to land on my head?! " She approached him. "You're such a daredevil?! " Looked into his eyes, they were the same color as hers.

"Rachel-san... Calm down, please.. . " Uraraka raised her hands.

"Should I be calm or run out of here crying because I'm a girl? Just because some idiot can't control emotions?! "

"Who here can't control their emotions at the moment, huh?! " Katsuki screamed.

" What? You want to kill me too, huuuh?! Go ahead, I'll kill you first. " She hissed.

"You can try. " He said with a sly smile. "But I'll be the one who will defeat you." Hissed, and flashes of fire began to appear in his hand.

"Silence!! " Teacher screamed out loud and too clearly. It was Hizashi Yamada, also known as a hero nicknamed Present Mic. His ability was voice, and the moment he screamed, Bakugou and Rachel thought their ears would fall off. "Much better... " He was glad when the silence came. "And now... Please reconcile politely, shake hands, like thissss... " He grabbed Takao and Bakugou's hand and then pointed them towards each other, but then they both pulled out their hands and snorted.

"I'd rather die than apologize to him/her!! " They shouted at the same time and then at the same time left the canteen.

After classes, Rachel decided to walk around the neighborhood a bit to rethink everything and calm her emotions after the last argument. After a while, she collided with someone's body and fell to the ground. The man she ran into was really strong, which surprised her a bit. Teenager only after a few moments recognize him. He was one of people who helped her father. The guy was really terrible.

"Don't you cause trouble? " He asked in a dry tone and looked at the schoolgirl.

"N-no. " She replied. "Where did this idea come from? I do what I need to do..."Began, but she broke off the moment when a hooded man grabbed her hand tightly and jerked her.

"No more fights or quarrels. " He hissed to her. "Control yourself. "

"H-how did you...? "

"No matter how I know. " He said. "You have to complete the task without major problems, otherwise you'll pay for it severely. " Man got even closer to her.

Takao snorted.

"You've always disliked me and vice versa. " She looked into his eyes hostilely. "I'll pay if I screw something up, but not to you. You can't touch me, forgot? " She smiled boldly. "I'm too valuable a commodity. "

The man hissed and let her go.

"Don't enjoy it like that. " Man said and moved away. "The goods will eventually get bored, remember it. You're not irreplaceable. "

"Just like you! " Rachel screaed joyfully. " Thanks for the advice, bye-bye! " She went back to school, and the guy she pissed off kicked the trash can, from which the kitten later fell out, looking for food. The little one looked at him angrily, then took the found remains of the fish and ran away.

"Pff, I hate cats..." He snorted.

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