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At the school, it was announced that Dara had gone missing. Rachel was worried about him and wanted to contact him somehow, but everything was in vain. It was as if it had sunk underground.

Today, just as she was allowed every week, teenager went to see her imprisoned friend. His name was Connie. He was locked in a cell and was hooked up to a ventilator. Girl's heart broke every time she saw him.

"I brought you food and water. " She said, then went to her friend, lifted his head and helped him eat.

"Ray-chan..." he said hoarsely.

"Hmm? " She glanced at him.

"You remember what you promised, don't you?" Looked at her.

Takao didn't say anything for a while, but after a long while she replied:

"I remember. " Admitted.

"That's good. " Nodded. "And now..." He coughed and looked at her again. He was very weakened. "What are you still doing here?" Asked. "You shouldn't be here, Ray-chan..."

"I won't leave you. " She said and helped him drink.

"Forget about me. " Boy interjected. "Shinichiro is dead, Dara is gone, and Yui-chan has been killed before our eyes." Mentioned, and Rachel had tears in her eyes at the mere mention of the executed people. "Nothing keeps you here any longer. Run while you can. "

Yui was Connie's girlfriend, they loved each other very much. One day, Rachel and her friends devised a plan to free their imprisoned friend, but Hiroto caught them and killed Connie's beloved in front of everyone. They couldn't prevent it, they were helpless.

"I can't..." She replied, and the first tears rolled down her cheeks.

"You told me there was someone you wanted to be with. " He looked at her. "If there's a chance for you to live a better life, take advantage of it. "

"But they don't know the truth. " She interrupted him and looked at his friend. "They'll hate me when I tell them. " Said heartbroken. "I'm a murderer, Connie." Wiped away her tears. "A monster and a traitor. "

"Like all of us. " He smiled at her weakly. "You know what I think? That it's worth a try. You're about to have this camp, don't you?" Asked what she nodded to. "Until then..."Looked at her again. "Please..." He had tears in his eyes. "Keep your promise. "

Rachel looked at her friend with tears in her eyes.

"Please..." he said. "You'll do it, won't you?"

"Yes..." She nodded, then walked over to him and hugged him. "Just as I promised. " She whispered in his ear. "I'll kill you..." More tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Thank you..." Boy nodded.

So far, all their plans to save a friend have been in vain. Now that their group has practically collapsed, there's only one way out. Rachel promised him that she would kill him and was going to keep her promise. Boy was barely alive anyway, and she didn't want him to be used for these vile experiments anymore. Teenager also knew that she had to do it in such a way that it looked like Connie died under natural circumstances. She already had a plan and decided to implement it on the day of the trip.

"You're about to hit that pole. " Bakugou snorted and glanced at girl walking next to him. "You're like a child. " Boy pulled her away so that she wouldn't bang.

"Ah, sorry..." She said, somewhat stressed. "I thought about something. "

"This is nothing new. "He replied. "You still have your head in the clouds. " Snorted.

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