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In the following days, the training of future heroes was to take place. Students of class 1-A were now in one of the rooms where this type of training took place with their tutor.

"Today's training is a hand-to-hand combat training. " Aizawa said. "You'll also be able to use the gifts. But today you'll not fight in pairs, as it was in the last classes. " Said and then looked at one of the students and put his hand on her shoulder. "Today you're only going to fight Rachel. " Added, which surprised the aforementioned teenager.

"With me? " She looked at teacher.

"Yes. " He nodded. "So far you've been holding back and withholding the abilities and techniques that you've acquired over the years of murderous training, I've noticed that. Today, however, you'll be able to use them. You can also use your gifts but in moderation, remember. "

"O-okay..." She nodded and went to the indicated place.

"Mina. " Aizawa looked at the student. "You're the first. "

"Hai! " She called and went to the place of battle.

"Good luck, Ray-chan! " Eijiro called out and waved to his friend, to which she smiled. "I think she's a little stressed. " He noticed and glanced at Bakugou.

"She won't want to use abilities too much. " Katsuki guessed. "She will continue to hold back. "

"She doesn't want to hurt anyone. " Kirishima guessed and looked at girls preparing for the fight.

Rachel stretched a bit, and then took a deep breath. She tried to control her emotions a bit and focus on the fight. Takao carefully analyzed the fighting style of her opponent, she perfectly remembered her ability, and it was acid. The moment teacher announced the start, Mina immediately summoned her ability and headed for Rachel.

Takao used her speed, approached her opponent and with incredible speed, then knocked her to the ground, grabbed her hands and blocked them on her back. Confused, Mina didn't even know what had happened.

"How fast! " Uraraka said.

"No wonder she kept up with Iida's attacks. " Kirishima said.

"How...? " Mina wondered and looked at Rachel, who was just helping her get up.

"I'm sorry, I squeezed you too tightly? " Rachel asked worriedly.

"No, don't worry. " She smiled. "It was amazing! How did you do it? Where does this speed come from? "

"This is one of the first tricks I've been taught..." Takao replied in a rather cold voice, she didn't like to talk about it. The trainings of her and the other friends were very hard to bear, and when someone couldn't cope, got solid punishments, after which had to get up and immediately get his act together. They had no other choice.

"Next. " Aizawa said.

Uraraka was next. The opponent used her ability on Rachel and Takao began to float into the air, but girl didn't care so much. As her opponent approached her, Rachel used her ability and conjured up a chain with a small but heavy bullet by her leg, causing teenager to immediately start falling back down. Takao caught Uraraka on the way, blocked her blow, then threw her and stopped her on the ground. A few more fights passed until it was finally time to duel Kirishima. Takao has always been curious about this ability, and Eijiro's experience and struggle have always impressed Rachel.

"Without any forums. " –Boy smiled.

"Of course. " Takao replied.

Kirishima had already learned his opponent's fighting style, and this made things a bit easier for him, but their fight was one of the longer fights during training. Takao was quite distracted, girl still had flashes of memories in front of her eyes during her previous training, and in her head she could still hear Hiroto's cool voice telling her to finish off her opponent, kill him. Rachel not only fought Eijiro, she also had an internal struggle with herself. This made the whole situation much more difficult. Kirishima, on the other hand, used his new techniques and went to his friend, teenager completely unexpected, so the win belonged to Eijiro.

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