Rachel, walking to the waiting room, came across someone else on the way. On Bakugou.

"Bakugou? " She approached him, hearing her, blond boy seemed to shake off his thoughts. "What are you thinking so much about?"

"Nothing. " Replied dryly.

"Do you already know who you'll fight with? " She asked and stood next to him.

"Yeah. " He snorted. "With Uraraka. "

" Uraraka?! " She was shocked.

"Yeah, I just said that, stop screaming?! " Shouted at her.

"And who's screaming here now..." She laughed.

"You're fighting Iida? " Katsuki asked suddenly, which surprised her.

"Yes. " Replied with a nice smile. "Did you see it on the list?"

"You feel better already? " This question surprised her even more. "You're as pale as a corpse, it makes you even more spooky, spooky fairy. "He snorted at which Rachel immediately shake off.

"Well, I can't help it. " She laughed nervously. "Iida has these engines on his calves, doesn't he?" Said in her reflection.

"Supposedly. " Blond boy replied. "You've probably already come up with a strategy. " He looked at her.

"I have something in my head. "

"In your head? " Repeated after her. "Don't you have it empty anyway?"

"Huuh?! Oi, Bakugou, that wasn't nice. " She ran up to him and leveled her step with him. "His speed can be a bit problematic, if I'm not careful, he'll immediately push me behind the line. "

"So be careful. "

"I will...Or at least I'll try. Hmm..." She continued to wonder.

"With your experience, he won't be a difficult opponent for you. " Bakugou said after a while, which caught Takao's attention.

"You think so? " Woman glanced at him. "If you say that, you're probably right. Do you say that because you have to fight Uraraka?" She looked at him again. "She is persistent and brave. "Said with a smile. "I'm sure she'll surprise you. " Looked at blond man walking next to her. "Be a little more gentle, please... Don't kill her, save your strength on Deku. " Said, and after a while she couldn't believe her words herself.

Why did she care so much about Uraraka? What does she even care about her fate? If she wants to be a hero, she must be prepared for such a turn of events.

"Were you surprised by your own words? " Katsuki noticed and looked at her.

"Ehehe..." Rachel laughed nervously. "A little bit. After all, Uraraka is a friend, a classmate, isn't she? I'm worried about her. "

"One contradicts the other. " He said.

"Really? " She glanced at him and sighed heavily. She is too perceptive, if she doesn't pay enough attention to her words and her behavior, Bakugou will certainly see that something is wrong with her. "Why are you looking at me like that...?" Asked hesitantly, noticing that blond man was constantly looking at her. The moment she asked, he looked away. Takao decided to use it as a weapon. "You like meeee?"

"No! " Katsuki screamed at once, to which the other laughed.

"Despite all that you do or say, you're a good person, you know? "Girl said still a bit amused. "You're interesting, but I still can't figure you out. "

"With reciprocity. " He said, to which Rachel stopped and looked at him with surprise.

"What do you mean? " She asked, pretending to be stupid.

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