"Ray-chan! " Teenager heard a familiar voice so she turned towards it. "What's up? " Kirishima asked, smiling.

"Hi, Kiri. " Woman smiled. "I'm fine, what about you?" Lied. " Ready for the Festival? "

"Absolutely. " Said and raised his hand up. "I can't wait. " He said smiling. "We will learn a lot, and the whole is a great opportunity for us for the future. I hope it will be cool! " Laughed.

"It will certainly be so, since you'll be there. " She replied amused, to which the other one blushed a bit. "You're amazing, you know? You can find a way out of any situation, and in addition, you can never get bored. " Said smiling. "I'm glad I have such a friend. "

"S-stop..." He covered his face with his hands. "Too many compliments for today, Ray-chan..." Said embarrassedly. "But thank you. " Smiled still blushing. "You're great too, you know?" He said and looked at his companion. "A good team of us! I'm happy with our friendship! " He grinned his teeth, and his words surprised Takao a lot.

"Mm..." She nodded. "Me too. " Added a bit blushed.

"Although probably not everyone will admit it. " Red-haired said and then looked at Bakugou walking in the distance. "He certainly doesn't. "

Rachel looked at Kirishima and then at blond boy, and then smiled significantly.

"We going to make his life miserable? " She glanced at her friend.

"Of course. " Eijiro replied and then high five with her, together they ran to the aforementioned boy. "Oi! Bakugou! " They shouted at the same time and leveled their steps with him.

"Shut up! "Katsuki shouted. "You're too loud!"

Finally, the big day came. U.A. Sports Festival. All the freshman classes gathered in the arena and the crowds cheered.

"Jeez, people, overdo this adoration. " Kirishima said a bit stressed.

"Right." Takao supported her friend.

"I'm starting to get stressed. " Boy laughed. "You don't, Bakugou?" He asked blond man walking in front of them.

"No, I'm just more excited. " Replied with a sly smile.

" I expected such a response". Rachel laughed.

"Shut up!" Katkuski shouted at her, which she didn't pay attention to.

Classes stood in their groups, loud conversations could be heard everywhere, and crowds were still cheering. After a while, Takao heard another familiar voice that surprised her a bit.

"Oi!" She heard from a distance. "Ray-chin. " Surprised teenager looked in that direction.

"Ah!" Woman smiled widely seeing her friend. "Dara! " Called and ran to the black-haired boy. Student stood in front of him, his hands were in his pockets, and he smiled at her feistily. "What are you doing here?" She asked surprised and approached her friend.

"What do you think? " He asked amused. "After all, it's a Festival, isn't it?" Replied and shrugged his shoulders and then looked at her again. "I'm in the group of these freshmen." Pointed to the class behind him. "1-B." Added, which surprised her even more.

"You didn't say anything." She looked at him significantly.

"There was no time for it, you know. " Said, still holding his hands in the pockets of his trousers. "Don't worry like that, I'm not going to bother you. " Smiled.

"You're watching me? " She put her hands on her chest.

"No. " He replied and approached her. "But it's very hard for me to take my eyes off you. "Smiled pugnaciously. "You know, right now, I even feel like hugging you. "

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