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The next days passed very quickly, and therefore, during the summer season, a camp for the future heroes was to take place.

Rachel began to get along more and more with Kirishima and Bakugou, she told her brother about them, and the very fact that girl found friends made him very happy. Takao's father, however, had a different opinion. After the last conversation with Katsuki, as soon as girl returned home, Hiroto scremaed at her. Somehow he found out that someone might suspect something, and he didn't like that very much.

"I swear..." Teenager who was suffocated croaked. "Nobody suspects anything..." She coughed. "I was credible, he believed in my words. "

"If he found out the truth..." Man hissed. " He'll have to be liquidated quickly before... "

"No! " She screamed immediately. "I give you my word, Hiroto-san! Nobody knows about anything! And no one will know. " She said quickly. "You don't have to eliminate anyone. " Added, and after a long moment her father released her.

The man's reaction showed that he was still angry. Rachel ended up doing more experiments and research of her father tonight, but her body didn't take on any new abilities. Teenager was exhausted, she had no strength for anything, and her father still didn't let her return to her room. After long hours, Takao's older brother appeared at the place where all the experiments were taking place. He rode the wheelchair inside and glared at his parent angrily.

"Enough. " He said looking at Hiroto. "Ray's coming back with me. " He said firmly, and at the same time frightened girl got up and approached her brother.

Thei father said nothing, he let siblings leave the room.

"Shin-chan..." Dark-haired girl looked at him. "You're gonna get in trouble for this. "

"I won't. " He replied and smiled at her. "Come on, I'll dress your wounds. "He pointed to her new wounds.

After a few minutes, the siblings were in Shinichiro's room, and boy began to look after his sister. He took care of her wounds, and after a while they both sat next to each other and talked. After a long conversation, Rachel fell asleep against her brother's shoulder. The night had passed very quickly, and before they knew it, a new day had come.

Takao, however, didn't manage to sleep well, after all the incidents she couldn't sleep a long, which in the morning at school looked like a complete wreckage of a human being. There was a break between lessons and Rachel lay crumpled on the desk, unable to concentrate on anything or wake up well. Suddenly, someone put a cold can of coffee in front of her, and teenager was scared by this gesture. It was too sudden and unexpected. Dark-haired girl looked confused at the person who gave her this little gift and saw blond boy standing over her.

"B-Bakugou? " She was surprised.

"Drink it. " He said right away. "You look even spookier than usual. "

"And you're kind as always. " Girl laughed, then took the drink and opened it. "Thank you. " She smiled at him.

"Just drink it. " He shook his head.

In the following lessons, Takao seemed to be in a completely different world. After the recent experiments, she wasn't feeling well, and she was worried about her brother. Her father was about to resume his treatment so the teenager hoped he really did, but she had a pretty bad feeling.

Dark-haired girl went outside to get some air during the next break. Girl leaned against the railing and looked ahead in deep thought. After a few moments, Kirishima appeared next to her. The sight of her friend immediately made her smile.

"What's up? " She asked.

"Nothing interesting yet. Are you okay? " He asked and looked at his friend with concern.

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