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"Sensei? " Teenager approached a man reading a book.

"Hm? " He glanced at her.

"May I go to Kirishima today? " She asked quite uncertainly. "He invited me, he wanted to talk. " Explained. "But of course I'll understand if I'm not allowed. " Added quickly.

"It's okay. " He replied after a long while. "You can go. " Nodded. "Just come back before it gets dark, otherwise you and I will have a problem. "

"Okay. " She said. "Thank you very much. " Bowed satisfied and then went to prepare.

It was maybe an hour later when teenager was at her friend's house.

Eijiro's room wasn't too big, but it was very cozy. There were several posters hanging on the walls, some of which featured a hero called Crimson Riot, a retro hero from whom teenager draws inspiration. Kirishima also had several figurines depicting his idol on the shelves.

"Welcome. " Boy said with a smile and then put the drink and glasses on the table.

"You have a very nice room. " Takao said, looking at the hero figures.

"Really? " Glanced at her. "You like it?" Blushed gently.

"Mm! Sure! " She smiled at teenager. "It has a very nice atmosphere and is cozy. " Looked around. "I like it. " Smiled again at her blushed comrade.

"Hehe, thank you, Ray-chan. " He said smiling.

"I'm the one who thanks you for inviting me. " She said. "Thanks to you, I can at least occupy my thoughts with something. " Woman was a bit sad and then smiled at red-haired man again.

"How are you? " Eijiro asked worried and then sat down next to Rachel. "You look pretty pale..." He looked at her. "Maybe you're hungry?" Asked right away. "I can prepare something for you. "

"Thank you, Kiri, you don't have to. " She replied smiling. "It's nice that you care so much about m..." Blushed gently. "And you and Katsuki... Aizawa-sensei is also very nice. I owe you a lot, and yet... " Lowered her head sadly. " I still feel a strange thing about myself... "Kirishima listened carefully to what she was saying. "I also don't know what to think of Hiroto's death... He's a vile bastard, I find it hard to believe that he died so easily... " She said. "He did a lot of harm to people, and now he's just gone... I feel strange with the thought that he's no longer here... You know, sometimes I even have the impression that I feel some strange sadness, which surprises me, because after what he did, I should rather be happy with the fact that he's no longer here... However... "

"You know, Ray-chan..." Eijiro interjected. "It's not a bad thing that you can feel a sudden surge of sadness after he's gone. " He said what caught Takao's attention. "He was what he was, but that's your father after all. " Glanced at his companion. "He wasn't good parent, I know that. Maybe you rather feel a feeling of something like... "What if...?" Said. "What if he was a different father? What if he were a good man? What if he were here now? " He mentioned. "Ray-chan, longing for something we wanted to be, that's not a bad thing. " Smiled at his friend.

"You may be right..." Takao said after a long while. "I really don't know how I'm supposed to feel about it. "Lowered her head sadly. "All I have is all this sadness and anger and... "

"And me. " He interjected, which caught Rachel's attention. "You still have me. We're friends, aren't we? Friends stick together and support each other. " He said proudly. "Ray-chan, you're like a sister to me. " Said honestly. "Whatever happens, you can count on me. " He grinned his teeth. "You have my full support. " Assured her.

"You're amazing, you know? "Girl smiled and hugged her friend. "Thank you. I think I still have another brother..." She said, touched, and tears appeared in Kirishima's eyes, which kept him from sailing.

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