A lot has happened and it was also expected that a lot was yet to happen. Students of class 1-A didn't have a fairly easy school life and not only that. During one of the classes on the heroes, an incident happened that will forever remain in the memory of all these students. The League of Villains attacked the class and teachers. Together they fought a really powerful fight, as did All Might himself, who seemed to weaken a bit after it. Throughout the great incident, young class became incredibly famous. Not only in this good way, but also in a bad way. Some parents wondered about the safety of their children and planned to discharge students from some classes, but in the end this didn't happen.

Incident after incident. However, at the moment another big event was approaching, namely the U.A. Sports Festival. Thanks to it, young heroes can attract the attention of professionals, who could undergo various internships. However, the whole event can be watched not only by professional heroes or ordinary people in the stands or in front of TVs. The whole can also be seen by villains lurking on them, who will certainly not miss any opportunity.

Rachel was just walking to school earlier morning. She wasn't feeling well, and the reason for that was all the experiments her father and the crazy doctor were doing on her. Teenager seemingly tries to pretend to be an ordinary schoolgirl and it worked out reasonably well for her, but not everyone has such flip-flops on their eyes.

Takao uses her power to hide the new and old scars that are left over from all her experiments and surgeries. Her body was strong, and so was her trained body. Only she managed to get so far with them, other objects died after just a few days. Her father didn't care about his own child, he wanted to accomplish his goal no matter what.

The dark-haired teenager walked ahead with a wobbly step, and scotomas began to appear before her eyes. Her legs tangled mercilessly until finally girl stopped and leaned her hand against the tree.

"Ah..." She sighed. "Somehow... Horribly... Stuffy ... " Gasped. "It's not far away..." She looked at her school in the distance. "I can't let him down..." Lowered her head sadly. "Even if it doesn't make the slightest sense... As long as I'm alive, I have to try... Somehow... " She shook her head and moved forward, and a few meters away she stopped again to rest.

"Oi? " She suddenly heard a familiar voice behind her, and when she turned towards him, she saw Bakugou. "What are you doing there?" He asked dryly.

"Um..." She sighed heavily and tried to control herself. Her whole body trembled terribly, and teenager could no longer stay on her feet. "It's a little hot..." She said. "But it's nothing, I'm fine I'm just... " Added with a fake smile, and when she took the first step she immediately regretted it.

She lost complete control of her body and began to fall. She had already prepared for a hard encounter with the concrete floor, but this didn't happen. She felt someone grab her and hold her firmly. Rachel opened her eyes hesitantly after a while, and when she looked at her savior, she saw blond man she was going to class with. Bakugou Katsuki. Boy grabbed her and held her.

"What are you looking at? " He said looking at her. "You're shaking all over..." Remarked. He guessed that it wasn't only out of heat or fatigue but also out of fear. However, what was girl so afraid of? What or whom? "And you said you're fine." Sarced and helped her to stand on her feet.

"Because I'm fine..." She replied rather uncertainly.

"You're shaking all over. " Repeated. "What happened?" Asked surprised but didn't receive an answer. "I asked a question, did you suddenly become deaf?!"

"N-no..."Rachel said after a while. "Nothing happened..." Said tiredly. "You know, I'm going to sit down for a while..." Glanced at the bench next to her. "And you go, you'll be late for class. " She slowly approached the seat and sat on it, and when she looked ahead again, she noticed that Bakugou had disappeared. That probably meant that he listened to her and went to class.

Takao sighed heavily. She still couldn't control her body.

"Calm down..." She whispered to herself and put her hand on the other, then once again used her ability to cover the scars.

Woman was breathing deeply but still couldn't calm down. A moment later, someone put a bottle of water under her nose. Surprised teenager looked at the person who gave it to her and saw Bakugou.

"B-Bakugou? "She was surprised.

"Yeah, you were expecting someone else? " He snorted.

"N-no, but I thought you had already gone to school. "

"Tch..." Shook his head. "If I had left you here alone in such a state, I wouldn't have come close to the category of hero number one. Heroes don't do that...Supposedly. Take that damn water!" Shouted.

"Ah, yes. " She took a gift. "Thank you. " Added quickly and took a sip of the drink, and Katsuki at the time put his hands in the pockets of his pants and watched her closely.

"If you feel unwell, you should stay at home. " Boycontinued to speak in a dry tone.

"I felt good when I left. " She lied.

"You look like a living corpse. " Said, to which dark-haired woman laughed quietly.

"Possibly. " Said with amusement. "Well, not the first and not the last time..." Said a little quieter, but Bakugou heard it anyway, and her words surprised him a bit. "I'm probably a little tired, and that's why, but I'll be fine... "Assured him. "Water and fresh air will help..." She didn't dare to look him in the eye again.

"If you say so. " Teenager sighed.

"The Sports Festival is approaching... " Student recalled. "You're planning to win it, right?"

"That's obvious! " He called the other one right away, which made Takao smile. "I'll win it, I'll take first place! And you look and learn. "

"Hah, that's how I thought you'd say it. " Said amused. "Well, I wish you good luck..."Said with a sad smile. "But don't think I'm going to give you a win so easily. "She looked at him, to which the other one snorted.

"You're not an obstacle for me, I'll defeat you without any problem. " Said confidently. "You'll see. "

"I'll try to be a worthy opponent. " Woman nodded, and after a while she grabbed her head, darkness appeared before her eyes again.

"Go home. " Boy said so the other one looked at him. "Your further path is pointless. " Said while looking at her. "That way you'll get even sicker. Go home. "

Rachel reflected on his words. If it were a normal situation, and she had a normal, loving family, she would certainly do so, but the truth was quite different.

"Home... Huh...? " She said in deep reflection what caught attention of blond man standing next to her.

In that one moment, Bakugou noticed the deep sadness on her broken and gloomy face. Girl is a walking riddle, Katsuki couldn't figure her out.

After a few seconds, Rachel suddenly lit up as if nothing had ever happened, then quickly got up to her feet and brought an artificial smile to her face.

"I'm better now! For the water and for the fact that you were interested in me... Thank you, Bakugou! " She said with a smile even in spite of it, on her face you could see the remains of sadness. It wasn't a sincere smile, there was something behind it. Takao wore a mask that Katsuki slowly began to see and read.

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