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It's been quite a while since Rachel Takao's death. The students were very affected, especially Bakugou and Kirishima. Boys weren't very good at it, both of them broke down completely.

"If you're reading this, it means I'm dead..."

Both received letters from Takao, teenager decided to write them just in case. In her heart she had a feeling that this would be her fate.

"I can't write letters, let alone farewell letters..." Kirishima read the letter alone in his room. "I don't even know what to say." Takao wrote. "Im' sorry... I know we talked about something else in school, and now it all ends up differently. Believe me, I didn't want to do that, I wanted to be with you, try New life, get to know it again. I really, really wanted this. I don't know how I died right now, but if it really happened, then there had to be a reason for it. Or I lost the fight with Hiroto and he killed me... Or I have already lost my strength... It seems that both versions are not the best, and the second one is definitely worse. You can hold it against me, you can hate me if it only helps you. But know that after so many years of torment and futile struggle, I was just fed up with everything. Many times I wanted to end this but held back for the sake of my brother and the others. Now I was also trying to endure it to be with you, but as you can see, it didn't work out well... I don't want you to break down Eijiro, I don't want you to cry, it's definitely better for you with a smile on your face, believe me. I love you very much, you're like a brother to me and it certainly will never change. I was and still am very grateful for your support and warm words, I needed it, thank you for giving it to me. If I could have this last request from you, it would be that you should always be by Katsuki's side. Always like you have been before. From the very beginning, I saw how strong your bond is. He won't admit it, but he needs you and he's grateful for your presence, I'm sure of it. Stay with him, please... Stay together. Whatever is going on with you right now, only you can help him, Kiri... Only you. Thank you again for everything, thank you for being with me. You're a great man and you'll be an equally extraordinary hero. I believe it and I believe in you.

Ray-chan " He finished reading and then started crying loudly again.

Bakugou was visiting the deceased girl's grave very often. Practically every day. Sometimes he would come here alone and sometimes with Kirishima, they always brought her fresh flowers, sunflowers, which Takao liked so much.

"You only left a stupid letter and some poor memories... " Katsuki said looking at the name of teenager carved on the tombstone. "Now what, Ray? " He sat opposite the grave and stared at him blankly. "No, I'm not angry... I'm furious! Pissed off to the max! " Shouted and then sighed and hid his face. "Even Denki and Deku's stupid behavior cannot break me as much as your death..." Said, wiping away tears. "Have you lost your strength...? You gave up...? You saved us... " More tears appeared in his eyes. "What am I supposed to do now? Hm? What should I do, spooky fairy? " Talked to her. "All I have to do is keep that goddamn promise and be number one. Like I said... And like you said..." He wiped away his tears and sighed heavily. "I'm gonna be number one, and just so you know I will! No matter what! You'll see... I'll prove it to you, Ray... And you watch, okay? " He hid his face again and began to cry.

Boy often talked to her, he said what was going on, what were the lessons, trainings and arguments with Deku. He told about everything that happened.

"There was an action recently ..." He said. "And we saved the little girl ... Her name is Eri." Said. "You would like her, I'm sure. She'll probably love you too. " He ran his hand through his hair and placed a fresh bouquet of flowers on her grave. "Maybe I'll introduce her to you one day? " Wondered. "Would you like to meet her? She's a strange kid, but... She's in her own way ... Like you would call it ... Lovely or cute. " He smiled involuntarily. "When I look at her... Sometimes I see you in her. " Sighed heavily. "Stupid, huh? And yet..." He looked at the tombstone again. "I miss you... Ray... "

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