S1 [To You, in 2000 Years: The Fall of Shiganshia, Part 1]

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Before starting the story, I would like to add a few things

(Y/n) = Your Name

›–––––––‹= Timeskip

(Text) = Narration 

(Text) = Thoughts/ Flashbacks/

Anyway, hope you enjoy my story!



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Two birds flew from one side to the other among the citizens while everyone looked surprised at the sky, from the interior of the city of Wall Maria. 

That day, humanity remembered.. the terror of being ruled by them..

All the citizens looked at a huge hand that was leaning on the wall. A Giant skin-lacing head appears, staring down at them. 

The humiliation of being kept in a cage..


[Commander]: Prepare for combat! We have one target... Defeat it, and make this humanity's first base outside the walls..-The commander yells at the other men while the rain quickly drenched them- 

[Soldier]: Huh?...-A soldier narrowed his eyes when he saw a figure in the background, his eyes widen when he noticed that it was- Target approaching!..-A Titan walks slowly with his head down, the Commander makes a quick hand signal-

[Commander]: Split into five groups, just as we practiced!...-The soldiers separated into groups- We'll be the decoys! Attack teams, switch to Three-Dimensional Maneuver Gear!...

The soldiers rise through the omnidirectional and transversal landscape using the giant trees as support Everyone surrounds the Titan, boiling his swords to attack.

[Commander]: We'll strike from all directions at once!...

[??]: Hey!...-A soldier with pale brown hair looked towards his companion- Erwin!... you go to the left, I go to the right!..

[Erwin]: Yes!... Louis! Don't die!...-Erwin yelled at him, making the boy smile at him-

[Louis]: Don't worry! I'm not going to die yet!..- He flies towards the Titan, cutting his ankles. The Titan falling to the ground, Louis nodded to another soldier, indicating him to cut the Titan's nape-

The soldier flies toward the nape of the Titan's neck, spinning with both blades in a hand like a propeller.

[Soldier]: We'll show you the power of humanity!..-He zooms on the nape and cuts it with force, causing the Titan to fall to the ground-

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