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In the year 845...
The Colossal and Armored Titans suddenly appeared, destroying the wall, along with the life we'd know. And the insatiable hunger of the Titans was unleashed on humanity after a hundred years of deprivation.
Humanity abandoned Wall Maria, losing twenty percent of its population and a third of its territory, to retreat within Wall Rose.
(Y/n), Eren, Mikasa and Armin were running along with the other cadets, with their green capes on, all of them carrying heavy backpacks. Keith was on his horse while he graded and studied them
[Keith]: You're too slow! Run, you laggards!..-He yells as everyone quickens their pace- What's wrong, (Y/n), Arlert? They are both falling behind!..-(Y/n) and Armin sigh deeply- Is it too heavy for you? Will they be the only ones guy to remove their equipment?..-Neither of them answered, they were only breathing- If this were a real fight, they'd be titan food by now!...-Keith walks away towards the group-
[Armin]: Damn it!..-He mutters with frustration-
[Reiner]: Give me that..-(Y/n) and Armin look up to see Reiner grabbing the two backpacks and placing them on his back- At this rate, we'll all fail out! We're being graded on this exercise..
[Y/n]: If you do that, you'll lose points, as well..-She looks at him worried, little by little the strength was reaching her body-
[Reiner]: Just don't let them find out! And don't make me change my mind!...
[Keith]: Reiner Braun. A strong soldier, physically and mentally. And trusted by his comrades..
They both see Reiner come forward, leaving them behind. The two look at each other for a few seconds before agreeing.
[Y/n and Armin]: I will not slow everyone down, even if it kills me!...-The two accelerate their step towards Reiner, grabbed their backpacks and pass by his side-
[Keith]: Armin Arlert. While lacking in physical strength, he's demonstrated an extraordinary for his studies... (Y/n), an ordinary girl. Even if she is not strong enough, she never gives up...
The next day, the group from earlier was in their 3D maneuvers and holding swords. This time, they were being evaluated according to how deep they can cut the nape of the Titan. A dummy of a Titan was being lifted, causing three cadets to go behind. Bertolt and another girl cut the leather deep while Jean cuts it not so deep-
[Keith]: Annie Leonhart. Her strike from is flawless, but she works poorly with others and tends to isolate herself. Bertolt Hoover. He has great potential, but lacks initiative. Jean Kirschstein. A master of 3D Maneuver Gear, but his brash personality causes friction with the team.