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[Jean]: I'll live in one of the fanciest neighborhoods in the interior. I'll spend all day sipping top-shelf liquor. I won't have to answer to anyone's criticism. I'll be able to give my wife, my kids, and their kids the good life they deserve. —
An older Jean was on a terrace of a building in such a modern city, living quietly while his wife who looked so similar to Mikasa, who had a baby in her arms.
But the dream had ended with the steps of the Colossal Titans and with some knocks on the window of the room where Jean was the night before when Armin and Gabi went to Falco's rescue. The person knocking on the window was Hanji.
[Hanji]: Jean, it's me. —Hanji knocks twice more on the window but Jean remains silent even with her hands on her ears so as not to hear the footsteps in the background.— I'm waiting outside. —
[Jean]: I didn't hear that. There wasn't so much as a sound just now. Stay right here. Don't think. All I have to do is sit right here and that nice house in the interior will just fall into my lap. Sit right here and..
On the outskirts of the HQ, everything was silent, there was not a soul walking or on the outskirts. Inside a ruined structure, Hanji was waiting for Jean, who in the end could not sit back and dream of a life that he could not have for now.
[Hanji]: Thanks for coming, Jean. Mikasa got me up to speed. —Hanji points to Mikasa, who was with her.— Sorry I wasn't around. You've done a good job on your own, all things considered. Levi's alive, but he's not in good shape. He has a long way to go before he can fight again. We algo joined up with the Cart Titan and some other Marleyans along the way. They're going to help us stop Eren and (Y/n). What they's doing is unforgivable. —
[Mikasa]: How can we stop them? —
[Hanji]: We need to start by recruiting help. The more help we can get, the more options we have. But we won't be capable of much without you guys and more of the Nine Titans. The old military has fallen apart. I'm no longer your superior. But I'm asking-
[Mikasa]: I'll do it. —Mikasa speaks, making Hanji stop talking to look at her.— I won't let Eren and (Y/n) kill any more than they as already. I don't want them to be doing this, even if it is to protect us and the island. —
[Hanji]: Mikasa...
[Jean]: Okay, but even if we can get Eren and (Y/n) to stop, what then? In four years, he won't be alive to carry the Founding Titan anymore. What happens to the island then? In the world is going to keep hating us for years and years, we'd be signing the whole island's death warrant by stopping them.