S1 ‹Erwin Smith: The 57th Exterior Scouting Mission, Part 4›

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The Survey Corps left to find a route to Shiganshina, but encountered an intelligent Female Titan. As soldiers died, one after the next, they headed into a forest of giant trees, none of them knowing why. 


[Eren]: An Abnormal? Or is it like the Colossal Titan?..-Eren mutters before turning away- Did Commander Erwin...

[Oluo]: Hey, snap out of it!..

[Petra]: Eren, think later. We need to get farther in and stand by! 

[Eren]: Right!..-He nods-

And they continued to advance faster, moving away from the place while Erwin, Louis and Levi were still standing on one of the tree branches. Levi grabs his blades, getting ready to cut the Female Titan, but louis stops him.

[Louis]: Wait, Levi... An eye for an eye..

Erwin turns and shouts to his soldiers.

[Erwin]: Artillery 2 and 3, fire!..-Once again, hooks were fired at the Female Titan- Fire all you've got left!..

Meanwhile, outside the forest, Christa looks ahead of herself, sweating when noticing some Titans trying to climb to her and the group.

[Christa]: Um, It's climbing up...-She stutters to a soldier, who looks down-

[Soldier]: So it is. If it gets this far I'll be sure to get clear, but I don't think it'll be too long before withdrawal orders are issued..

[Christa]: Does that have anything to do with the explosions we keep hearing from the depths of the forest?..

[Soldier]: I don't know..

[Sasha]: Mikasa, what do you think that sound is? Are they firing cannons in the forest?..

She doesn't respond, though, she had her eyes locked inside the forest. From a different tree branch, Reiner looks at the forest in the corner of his eye.

[Reiner]: I don't recall them carrying in any cannons, though...

[Ymir]: It's really loud back there..-Ymir says. She turns to Bertolt and calls for him- Hey, Bertolt. Do you know where Christa went?..-He shakes his head-

[Bertolt]: Sorry, I don't know..

[Connie]: I have no clue what's going on. What are we doing and why? I wanna go home..-Connie mentally complains, staring up at the sky-

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