S4 ‹Sole Salvation

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[Grisha]: Take a good look, Zeke. That's Liberio, where we live ...- Grisha, who had a younger Zeke, Dina was next to him while the three looked at Liberio, who was surrounded by a wall that separated the city from Marley- Compared to the world, it's like a tiny birdcage. Since we can't leave, we have to live here till we die. Zeke, wouldn't you like to leave?...

Zeke looked down at the ground, his gaze innocent, he pouted his lips before speaking.

[Zeke]: Yeah, I would..

The door of the place where the three were looking at Liberio opened, causing the family to turn back. A man with a broom and a bucket looked at the family with a smile.

[...]: Oh, what's this? We hardly ever get visitors this early... I'll come back later..

[Grisha]: It's okay...-Grisha hid Zeke in his chest while he and Dina looked at the man nervously- We're on our way out...-He said with a trembling voice. But the man remained silent while his eyes focused on the bracelet that Grisba wore on his arm-

[...]: Oh, Eldians?...-He looked at them with a frown, he clenched his teeth as he grabbed his bucket with both hands before throwing the water at the Jaeger family-

[Grisha]: Wh-what?! We got permission to leave the walls!...-He exclaims-

[...]: It's my job to clean the tower and get rid of trash... -The man looked at them with an unpleasant look- You came in here and defiled it, you devils! Your kid slaughtered countless lives! Yet here you are, pumping out kids?!..


Grisha and Dina left the tower, walked through the city while the inhabitants shouted insults at them. Drops of water fell to the ground for every step they took. Grisha puts his hand on Zeke's head, who hid in his father's neck as tears fell from his eyes.

[Grisha]: Remember this well, Zeke.. This is the outside world.. If you don't like it, you've gotta change it...-He said, looking forward frowning- Zeke, you're going to save everyone..


At the training camp, where the Eldian children were participating to become soldiers. Zeke, already a child, fell to his knees as he tried to catch his breath, sweat trickling down his forehead. In his hands he had a rifle.

[??]: One of these kids will be my successor?...-Two people were looking at the children-

[?? 2]: Yes, we'll choose one..

[??]: One of them is falling behind. Who's that?...- He looked at Zeke, who was the last-

[?? 2]: Ah. Jaeger again?.. All the other kids are fiercely competing to be Honorary Marleyans. Yet he has none of that drive... Why does he even come here?...

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