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Meanwhile, more Titans get thrown around as Erwin looks behind him to see a Titan get up and chase after him. Louis was next to him, looking at Erwin with concern. Ymir stops her running and looks over, glaring before charging herself over.
[Ymir]: This is your fault! It's you who screwed up my entire plan, you damn commander!..-Erwin looks over to see Ymir lunge at the Titan behind him, making him fall off his horse and rolls on the ground-
[Louis]: Erwin!..-He jumps off his horse and runs towards Erwin. When he got to his side, he looked at Ymir's titan with a frown- If you attack him again, I'll kill you!...-He yelled at him while helping Erwin-
[Historia]: Ymir!..-Historia screams before turning her head over to Connie- Connie, that way!..
[Connie]: I know!..
[Louis]: Erwin..-He crouches at the height of Erwin, who rises slowly from the ground while the soldier runs towards the two-
[Soldier]: Commander!..
[Erwin]:.....-He holds his bleeding amputated arm and replies- I can always be replaced. More importantly, find Eren and (Y/N) and retreat! Time is of the essence!..-He only looks up to find the soldier's head inside the Titan's mouth, making Erwin look down again-
[Louis]: Erwin, you will not be replaced yet...-He told him before going to help the soldier-
[Erwin]: Louis..-He murmurs, looking towards the boy-
The two Titans were approaching the three, they were closer than before. (Y/n) and Eren look at him with fear until Mikasa pushes Eren, who was closer to her.
[Mikasa]: Eren!, (Y/n)!..
(Y/N¿n) looked up in fear, the Smiling Titan raised his arm and grabbed a person, making Eren and Mikasa gasp, that person was (Y/n). Tears came from the eyes of (Y/n) when she saw the other titan with black hair approaching as well.
[Eren]: (Y/n)!!..-He shouted with fear, seeing how (Y/n) approached the mouth of the Smiling Titan, the memory of his mother's death appeared in his head, he did not want to lose another important person for him- (Y/n)!!..
[Y/n]: No, no!!..Let go of me!..-(Y/n) yells, she quickly put her hand to her mouth and bites it with all her might, causing blood to come out but nothing happened- No!..-She looks up, seeing the face of the Smiling Titan- Eren! Mikasa!...
Every time she got close to the titan's mouth, the saliva fell on her. She moved the other way, causing the titan to bite her arm. She screams in pain, while the titan bites her more and more. Tears were coming out of her eyes, Eren wanted to move but his hands were tied.