S1 ‹Wall: Assault on Stohess, Part 3›

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[Nick]: Let us pray for the well-being of the three goddesses, Maria, Rose, Sina. For our continued peace and safety..You must not doubt the holy walls! The walls of light, born of god's hand, will become stronger through our devotion and faith. An innocent heart, believe in god, is our only protection from the Titans! Our only way to keep them at bay...

Footsteps approach the church as the Female Titan, Annie, crashes into the church by Eren's punch. Citizens that were gathered get killed by the Female Titan, except for Pastor Nick. The Pastor whimpers at the sight of Annie.

[Nick]: A Titan? What's it doing here?..

Annie sits up and looks down to see the bodies of the people she crushed. (Y/n) and Eren ran in her direction as she quickly got up and ran off.

He turns his head to see (Y/n) and Eren, stomping on the ground as they chased Annie, causing a debris to push Pastor Nick backward. Citizens run and stayed while looking over at (Y/n), Eren, and Annie running through the city. The two continue to chase after her while Armin, Jean, and Hanji land on a roof, watching them leave.

[Hanji]: It looks like he has better control this time..-Hanji refers to Eren as Armin nods-

[Armin]: True. However... Eren has yet to win even once against the Female Titan...

[Jean]: Seeing how he's transformed, he must be committed to taking her down though. He won't go do--

[Armin]: A battle isn't something that's decided by spirit..-Armin interrupts- You should know that already...-Armin looks away from Jean and looks over at the Titan Shifters- To defeat Annie, we need something more...

The two continue going after her as a soldier shrieks.

[Soldier]: It's level ground! The Female Titan is approaching the level ground. We can't use our gear there!...-Hanji and the two boys land to another building as the girl orders-

The two soldiers nod before walking away. As the chase continued, Military Policemen quickly put on belts and gears.

[...]: Hurry! Hurry!...

[...]: This is ridiculous...

[...]: Why's a Titan--

They gasp as they see the three Titan Shifters come running to their way. The Military Police move out of the way on time as (Y/n), Annie, and Eren had finally reached the level ground. Annie turns around and uses her fingers against a building to slow herself down, causing soldiers to fall. She stares at the opponents in front of her as they had stopped running and got in a stance.

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