S1 ‹Crushing Blow: The 57th Exterior Scouting Mission, Part 5›

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Erwin and his comrades continue to gallop through the forest as he starts to explain to the small group.

[Erwin]: When the Colossal Titan vanished, whoever was inside must've been wearing 3D Maneuver Gear, permitting them to escape into the steam..

[Mike]: Don't you think the same thing could've happened here?..

[Hanji]: But up until now, based on what we saw when Eren emerged from the Titan's body, we've believed that such a feat was impossible. His equipment was destroyed, and his uniform was gone. Not only that, Eren was so weak, he couldn't even stand unassisted and (Y/n) was unconscious when he emerged from the body of Eren's Titan...

[Erwin]: The female Titan was able to attract other Titans with its cry. We failed to predict this, and the operation failed. If Titan abilities vary depending on skill, it was a mistake to use Eren and (Y/n), as the basis for our assumptions. If we are to outwit our enemy, we'll need to think outside the box...


[Jean]: If we're withdrawing, does that mean the mission was a success?..-Jean questions, riding his horse with Armin.The blonde-haired boy looked at him for a few seconds before looking forward again-

[Armin]: If so, then we may already know who was inside the female-form Titan..-Jean smirks a bit, before turning back in front of him-

[Jean]: I'd like to see who it is. But why was the Commander so certain that the enemy would come after Eren if he ventured beyond the walls?..

[Armin]: Maybe it's because, for whatever reason, they suddenly halted their advance in the midst of their last onslaught. Despite having managed to break through Trost's outer gate, they didn't even try to reach the Inner Wall gate. And when Eren sealed the gate, they let him succeed. That might mean that they have bigger concerns now...-Jean creases his eyebrows-

[Jean]: Bigger concerns?..

[Armin]: Something more important to them than breaching the Walls. Some unexpected occurrence..

[Jean]: The transformation of Eren and (Y/n) into a Titan?!..

[Armin]: I think that's the only answer..

[Jean]: That means-- Wait...

[Armin]: Someone who was there, who saw Eren and (Y/n) transform, into the Titan himself.. 


The mysterious soldier flies and spins around a tree as (Y/n) and Eren scream at Gunther's lifeless body. Louis swoops down, grabbing the two by their green cloaks.

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