S1 ‹Can't Look Into His Eyes Yet: Eve of the Counterattack, Part 1›

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Eren and (Y/n) were lying together in the same bed. (Y/n) was with her eyes closed, leaning on Eren's chest, who looks at her in silence.

[Eren]: (Y/n)... She looks so cute sleeping...


[??]: Hey, is there really two titans that has sided with humanity?..

Civilians say. After everything was cleaned out, people who were from Trost were back in their homes, trying to forget what had happened from before. 

[??]: Obviously, it's just a rumor. It's possible the mission to retake our land will fail, and we'll end up with tons of refugees from Wall Rose...-One citizen says-

People inside Wall Sina were gossiping the latest news and giving some of the Trost citizens some looks.

[?? 2]: If that happens, we'll immediately have a food shortage..

[Sir]:...-A guy with a tophat explains- Hey...Maybe the two titans are going to join the Rose inhabitants and invade us...

[Citizen]: It's amazing! Two titans on our side has appeared!...

[citizen 2]:...-A citizen from Trost exclaims- Maybe we can even take back Wall Maria!...You could even say..You could even say that they are our saviors!..-They all gasp, cheering a bit before gossiping even more-


Inside the cafeteria, Mikasa and Armin were sitting together while chewing their food.

[Armin]: The Inquisition of (Y/n) and Eren...

[Mikasa]:...-She looks up at Armin- What it about?... 

[Armin]: I'm not sure, but I'd guess they're deciding what to do with (Y/n) and Eren...-He sighs sadly, making Mikasa ask him quickly-

[Mikasa]: What to do with them?...

Mikasa's breath hitches. She rises from her seat, making Armin look at her with concern. Then suddenly, the doors open as a soldier announces.

[Soldier]: Mikasa Ackerman! Armin Arlert! Are you here?...

[Mikasa]: Yes, sir...-The soldier looks down at them firmly-

[Soldier]: You've been ordered to appear as witnesses at this afternoon's inquiry...-They all glance at each other with worry and wonder on how this might go down-

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