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The year 850, in Trost... The sight of Eren Jaeger unleashing the power of a mysterious Titan was more than enough to terrify his fellow soldiers. As Eren and his friends could do nothing but argue their innocence, they were saved by Dot Pixis, the high commander of the southern territories.
[Eren]: We will do it. We will do it..We don't know if we can seal the hole...but we will!..Together!..
Pixis looks at (Y/n), waiting for an answer from her. She nods, now she was sure she had the same power as Eren. Pixis hums with approval and places both hands on both of Eren's shoulders.
[Pixis]: Well said. You're real man. And you are a good girl, (Y/n)..-He picks himself up and walks over behind Eren. He raises his hand in the air, cupping his mouth- I'll call my strategists. We'll develop a plan!..
[Armin]:....-Armin raises both his eyebrows- No way. That idea depends on so many assumptions, and he's just going to run with it?...
(Y/n), Mikasa and Armin turn their gaze towards Eren as he continues with his sentence.
[Eren]: I was just thinking the same thing..-(Y/n), Mikasa and Armin turn their gaze towards Eren as he continues with his sentence- But there's no sense in doubting his decision. Commander Pixis must see potential in something the rest of us can't see..
[Y/n]: Something we can't see?..
[Eren]: Also, I think there's a bigger issue that must be addressed before the plan can be executed. And the Commander fully recognizes it..
[Y/n]: What do you mean?..-she asks him, confused-
[Eren]: The Titans aren't our only enemy..
[Pixis]: There's no time to waste..-The four of them turned towards him while Eren stands up- I will need your help, young soldiers..
(Y/n), Pixis and Eren were walking along the wall. (Y/n) was walking looking at a fixed point, lost in her thoughts.
[Pixis]: They say that before Titans gained dominion over the earth, there was endless slaughter of human life in wars over race and ideology..Then someone said, "If a powerful external threat were to appear, humanity would cease its wars and unite." What do you guys think of that?...
[Eren]: I've never heard that legend...
[Y/n]: Sounds awfully optimistic
[Eren]: Almost silly,..-Responds Eren. Pixis lets out a laugh and looks over his shoulder-