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[Soldier]: Defend them at all costs!..Protect them until they reach the door, even if it costs you your life! Don't let any of the Titans get near them!..-A soldier shouts as he and a group go after the Titans that were near Eren and (Y/n)-
From the distance, Reiner and Bertolt were watching the scene go down, remaining calm as Bertolt mumbled with a little panic.
[Bertolt]: They're going to plug the hole with that? It's insane... Eren might end up getting eaten. And if that happens, we still won't know a thing...-Reiner firmly nods-
[Reiner]: Yeah... if it comes to it, I'll have to do something with my Titan somehow...-Bertolt furrows his brows-
[Bertolt]: But if their plan works, it'll plug the hole we finally opened...
[Reiner]: It doesn't matter. We've been searching for a clue these past five years and we finally found it...
[Marco]: Hey... you guys? What... were you just talking about?..
Reiner and Bertolt's hearts drop and they tense up. They slowly turn their heads around, mouths hanged and eyes wide like saucers to see it was Marco standing at the edge of the roof. He flinches at their stares but then asks.
[Marco]: What do you mean by "my Titan," Reiner? What's this about "The hole we opened," Bertolt?..
The two don't say anything other than the repulsive expression they have. Reiner swallows thickly and spoke lowly.
[Reiner]: Marco... That conversation just now... was a joke...-Marco looks between the two, processing that information, then lets out a confused laugh-
[Marco]: H-Have you guys lost it? This isn't like you! Focus on the Titans!..-He points his left blade in the direction the Titans were- Look, the Titans are coming! Let's go!...
He then flies off as the two Titan Shifters watch him leave. Marco looks over his shoulder nervously, his heart beating within his ears as he quickly looks away and bites his lip. He boosts himself further away from the two as he goes deep in thought.
[Marco]: Eren transformed into a Titan...(Y/n) transformed into a Titan...Humans can become Titans... So if the Colossal Titan appeared out of nowhere and suddenly vanished... it's probably a human, too..
He then lands on top of a roof. 'In other words, the enemy Titans are hiding as humans somewhere. He suddenly hears a gas boost from an ODM gear, making him gas, and whips his head around to see Reiner coming at him, blades in both hands as he tackles him to the ground.
Marco's blades fall from his hands as he's pinned. The boy's eyes increased as he struggled within his grasp.
[Marco]: Reiner?!..-He gives him pleading eyes- This is a joke, right?!..-But he just gets a cold gaze in return while sweating bullets-
[Reiner]: No, Marco... The problem is you're too damn sharp...-Bertolt watches, conflicted as tears start to form Marco's eyes. He gasps and screams-
[Marco]: Someone help--!..-Reiner covers his mouth as Marco continues his muffled screams until he sees a figure land in front of him-