S3 »The Basement

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Sobbing was echoing in this small, dark, steamy, secluded area.

[Bertolt]: It hurts... It hurts so bad...

Armin was laying on the ground, his eyes closed until it slowly started to open. He sits up, trying to let himself wake up until he looks over to his right. His eyes widen at the sight.

In front of him was the Colossal Titan, half of his face showing muscle, and half of it was a skeleton. The Titan's right eye was staring down at him as tears brimmed its eyes. Armin's mouth just dropped and just gazed at him with wide eyes, his breathing a bit unsteady as he watches the tears roll down the Titan's eye.


[Armin]: Bertolt...

Snapping out of his thoughts, Armin slightly gasped when he heard a voice next to him. Looking to his left, he sees Sasha laying on the same mattress as his. He and Sasha had been resting on top of the wall, taking note of no one nearby as the blond looked at her. Her head had been treated and bandaged up as she let's out small whimpers.

[Sasha]: It hurts...It hurts so bad...

[Armin]: Sasha?..-He muttered, but jolted up and placed a hand on her chest and called her name again- Sasha!..-He lifts the blanket and looks to see dry blood seeping through her bandages- You're in terrible shape... What happened...?...

[Y/n and Eren]: Armin!..

The blond gasped and let go of the blanket, looking to his right to see Eren and (Y/n) running over to them.

[Armin]: Guys?..-He muttered as the two started growing closer. They can feel their eyes stinging once again as Eren jogged over, kneeled, and hugged Armin, completely catching the boy off guard as (Y/n) came in and did the same, nearly knocking the poor boy to the ground-

All three of them in a group hug. Armin's brows furrowed with confusion as his hand just hovered over (Y/n)'s back. He can feel their bodies shake as Eren's eyes started brimming with tears.

[Eren]: I'm glad... you're back!..-He whimpered-

[Armin]: Huh?...

The sound of ODM gear makes Armin look at the right corner of his eyes to see Levi had landed on the wall. He gazed at the three, then looked at Armin.

[Levi]: You're up?..

Armin's brows raised, watching him approach.

[Armin]: Captain!...-Eren and (Y/n) quickly pull away from their hug and watch their captain closing in- What in the world happened here?...-Armin looked down at his lap- I remember... Bertolt becoming a Titan..-He then gasps, turning back to him, and shrieks- What about the others?! Are they okay?!..

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