S3 »The Other Side of the walls

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After Hanji had explained to everyone in the room, they were trying to process the information.

[??]: Our enemy is... the world..-One person from the Military Police muttered- But if we announce this to the public, the walls will crumble into chaos...

Another nods and adds on.

[...]: That's right. We still haven't fully grasped the magnitude of this situation...

[Pixis]: Then will we deceive the people again?..-Pixis asks, standing up from his chair with his arms behind him and looked at the Military Police- You wish to follow the lead of King Reiss and ensure the people of the walls stay domesticated and ignorant?..-He then looks over at Historia and Zacharly, continuing- If so, then by what ideals did we rise to take the crown from King Reiss?..

The Military Police remain silent, not knowing what to say as the room was just quiet.

[Historia]: Let's announce it..-Historia suddenly said, making the crowd's eyes widen as she stares ahead of herself with a bit of confidence- After all, we're just returning the memories King Reiss stole back to the people a century later. We all share the same fate as people of the walls. We must unite as one and bring our entire strength together...

And as said, the information was now out to the public as every civilian was curious as to what was happening. The Military Police help pass out newspapers and spread the word to the people as they listened carefully.

Looking through a window, Levi was staring at the crowd his green coat now replaced with a black suit as he held a cup of tea in his right hand while his left was in his pocket. Hanji was sitting at a table with two of the journalist from before drinking with them.

[...]: The true identity of the Titan who've threatened us are humans. They have the same ancestry as us. We are Subjects of Ymir. Our King erected these walls 100 years ago. He then altered our memories using Titan powers and made us believe humanity outside the walls was wiped out...

Levi slowly looks away from the window and makes his way to the table.

[...]: But in fact, humanity hasn't perished..-One of the journalists continued- When speaking of Subjects of Ymir, they call us this: A race of devils...

Levi sets his empty teacup on a plate and sits himself down.

[...]: In the near future, the enemy will invade our lands to obtain resources. Their plans began five years ago with the attack of the Colossal Titan...

The one journalist finishes speaking while the other one takes a moment to say something then looks up.

[...2]: I know the articles already published, but... Is this as credible as you make it sound?..-Hanji looks at the old man and answers-

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