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I wonder what expressions they had, what their eyes conveyed, as they gazed upon us that day? What must we do to surpass even the strength of devils?
On a tree on the hill, (Y/n) was sitting next to Eren. The two were enjoying the scenery as the wind blew gently.
[Y/n]: Eren...-She says, making Eren turn to her- Eren, you think my parents are outside these walls..-She murmurs sadly- I always have that hope in me..
Eren was silent, he didn't know what to answer.
[Y/n]: I only remember my name...-She murmured, hugging her legs- I just.. know that my answers will be answered outside the walls...
[Eren]: (Y/n)... I promise that I will always be by your side, if your parents are alive somewhere I will help you..-He grabbed (Y/n)'s hand, making the girl look at him with a small blush- To always be by your side and if necessary, I will protect you with my life..
(Y/n) smiled at her with small tears in her eyes, she quickly hugged him happily, Eren hugged her back with a small blush and a smile. The wind blew slightly, causing the tree's leaves to move and some to fall to the ground.
We've no desire to protect our lives, or our souls