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The rain fell, wetting everything around them. Louis brought Levi closer to his chest, the Ackerman's face was covered in blood and one of his hands was missing two fingers.
[Louis]: Levi.... Don't worry, I'll protect you...-He murmurs, keeping Levi close to him. But suddenly, he heard footsteps approaching where the two were. Louis quickly grabbed a blade from next to him and lifted him up-
[??]: Louis, it's me...
When Louis heard that voice, he quickly turned back. That person was Hanji, who was looking at him with concern. Louis's eyes filled with tears at the sight of her.
[Louis]: H-Hanji...-He muttered with tears, he lowered the blade slowly- Levi... He...-He sobbed with each word, Hanji knelt at his height-
[Hanji]: Louis...-She put her arm around Louis's shoulders, who was looking at Levi with tears-Levi... Louis, what happened here?...
[Louis]: We were both carrying Zeke but on the way he activated a Thunder Spear. And Levi pushed me out of the wagon and it exploded..-He looked at Levi while he wiped the tears that fell down his cheeks- He saved me and I couldn't do anything. Hanji, he's hurt because of me...
[Hanji]: No. It's not your fault, Louis...-She told him while still looking at Levi-
Louis noticed Floch approaching as another group went to look at the nearby Titan. Floch approached with his rifle in hand.
[Floch]: Captain Levi?... Captain Louis?...-He murmured while Louis looked over his shoulder, he tightened his grip on Levi's body as he felt the tension in the environment- No idea what happened, but lucky us . Our biggest threat is a bloody mess...
[...]: I'll put a hole in his head...
[Floch]: First we have to kill the other threat to us...-Floch's eyes went to Louis, who was looking at him with a frown-
[Hanji]: He's dead...-Hanji said, making Floch and Louis look at her quickly, Louis' eyes quickly filled with tears- A Thunder Spear blew up in his face. The blast shredded his insides of him, killing him instantly...
Louis hugged Levi tightly while Hanji looked at them sadly, but Floch wasn't entirely sure about Hanji's words.
[Floch]: Let me see him.. I can take a pulse, too. Let me see him...
[Louis]: Don't touch him...-Louis's voice made Floch look away from Hanji and look at Louis, who turned to him with a frown as tears ran down his cheeks- I won't let you touch him, Floch. Over my dead body...
Floch was about to say something but his comrade's shout caught everyone's attention. Suddenly the steam that was around the Titan was being absorbed into the Titan.