S1 ‹Smile: Assault on Stohess, Part 1›

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(Y/n) looked up, saw the face of the Female Titan. She gasped as sweat ran down her face, fear washing over her. The Titan looked at her with her blue eyes, causing a chill to appear in her body.

[Y/n]: Who are you?..-She muttered in a low voice, as the Female Titan ran through the forest- W-Why?..

(Y/n)'s eyes widen as the Titan began to bring her closer to her mouth, quickly she began to hit the Titan's hand with the intention of letting her go. Tears came out of her eyes as she watched as the Titan opened her mouth.

The Female Titan tightened her grip on her, causing a groan of pain to escape from (Y/n)'s mouth. Slowly the Titan brought her closer to her mouth, (Y/n) watched as the Titan bit her arm hard as blood came out of her and fell into the Female Titan's mouth

(Y/n) looked at her while her tears still welled up from the pain, she watched as her eyes widened before the Female Titan tossed it into her mouth.


Wall Sina, Eastern Town, Stohess District...

[??]: Huh? You haven't heard? Seems like the Titan brat, the girl and his chief superiors were summoned to the capital. They'll be coming through here today..-One of the citizens say to the other one, who perks up-

[?? 2]: I see. Then I'm sure they'll end up dissecting him along with the girl this time..

[??]: At any rate, I hope everything goes smoothly and the gates are sealed..

At this, another citizen drops his bag on the ground as a wall-shipper rushes over.

[?? 3]: Did you just say something about sealing the gates?..-The one who dropped his bag turns to his left to see the wall-shipper grabbing his shoulders- You intend to defile the walls with human hands yet again?!..-The two citizens look at the man's necklace, making their mouths open in surprise- Maria, Rose, Sina--defiling the three goddesses with human hands is absolutely unforgivable! People worship the walls and revere them as deities..-The wall-shipper let's go and begins to yell out to everybody. A citizen, who was behind him, places his hand on the other guy's shoulder, whispering-

[...]: Hey, don't pay the crazies any heed..

[...]: I see, so they're still around.. Damn..

The two citizens drift away as the wall-shipper continues to preach.

[?? 3]: The walls are the sole existences that will protect us...

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