S3 »Bystander

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[Historia]: Hey! You wait right there!..-Historia shouted, chasing after two little boys as they laughed and took off-

The blonde-haired girl and the kids were at a farm, several cows walking around while Jean, Armin, Eren, who were wearing some casual clothing, were standing by a fence and watching from the distance.

[Jean]: Isn't this...?..

[Armin]: Yeah... Not quite the Queen I was expecting...

[Jean]: And it has been two months since she was crowned...-Jean added on- Seems like she's better suited to run an orphanage...-Horse face mumbled while Armin smiled-

[Armin]: Do you know what the people are calling her? The Cattle-Farming Goddess..-He says as Historia finally catches up to the troublesome little boys and started scolding them while they just giggled- In a good way, of course..

[Jean]: So we've finally got a goddess among us...-Jean furrowed his brows and pursed his lips. He then smirks deviously and eyes Eren whilst chuckling- At this rate, no one will remember the chump who plugged up Trost, yeah?...

[Eren]: One of the reasons Historia decided to become queen was... to do all this...

Jean rose a brow from his answer while Armin frowns.

[Armin]: This, meaning?..

Eren watched a trio of kids antagonize Sasha and Connie near the distance, giggling at their discomfort and annoyed looks while Mikasa, who was by those two, would shoot glares at the little kids.

[Eren]: Taking care of the orphans and needy from the underground to the edge of the walls. The brunette started, Since he was raised underground, the captain supported her, too..-He said, referring to Levi- When people need help, she said she'll come to their rescue, no matter who or where. That's... what Historia wants to do..

The two just eyed Eren in silence until they heard the sound of grass crunching, making them look over to see Historia jogging up to them.

[Historia]: Oh? You're slacking again! It's getting dark, you know!..-She started scolding them, knuckles on her hips-

Eventually, the three, and Historia, started carrying supplies. Armin, Jean, and Historia were carrying boxes while Eren was carrying sack bags. Armin and Jean were walking in front while Eren, and Historia were not too far from them.

[Jean]: She's becoming more and more like my mother...-Jean whispered while Armin let out a small sigh-

[Armin]: Some goddess...

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