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After losing the guard chasing after them, Grisha and Fay had slowed down their pace and eventually stopped and stared at their surroundings in awe, still holding each other's hands. Many citizens were walking around, nearly all of them were wearing business clothing while the women wore well-made dresses. On the brick roads, cars were driving around.
That naive day of my youth... had to face the truth of this world.
Soon enough, they began walking along the sidewalk, their heads slightly low when noticing the odd looks from passerby. It was the armband that caught their attention. Fay's hand tightened on her brother's hold, uncomfortable by their looks.
[...]: Move it, you vermin..
A man in a red business suit used his suitcase and harshly hit Grisha's arm, making him stumble with his footing as the two children look up at the man.
[...]: What, more devil-bloods?...-Another man, in a grey business suit, scoffed down at them before the red suit man pushed past the two kids and continued-
[...]: Damn Eldians crawling around as they please...-He grumbles as the other man soon follows after him. Grisha and Fay just watch them leave, worry aching their faces as the little girl holds onto her brother's arm and looks up at him-
[Fay]: Grisha..-He looks over his shoulder and tries to reassure her-
[Grisha]: It's all right. Aren't you used to it?..-He looks away with Fay ready to reply, but Grisha's voice stops her from doing so- Look..-He gave a nervous smile as the two looks over and stare at a stairway not too far from them- It's right over the bank...
They then rush their way over to the stairs, slowing their pace down once they climbed up the stairs and made it to the bank. They let out small pants as they stare in awe in front of them. The airship had landed and was currently making its way in the base.
[Fay]: It's so big...!..-Fay gawked, a small blush on her cheeks as she grinned-
Grisha looked away from the airship and down at his sister. A smile adorned his face when seeing her happy, but their little moment didn't last long.
[??]: Have you come to see the airship, too?...
The siblings look away and look down to see two guards sitting on the steep grassy hill. Grisha flinched upon seeing them and immediately backed up.
[Grisha]: Huh? Uh, yes..-He gently pushed Fay behind him as the two stares in fear-
[??]: You from the Liberio Internment Zone? Let's see your exit permit..