S2 » Warrior

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While stopped at the ruins of Utgard Castle to take a brief break, the Scouts were overwhelmed by a Titan assault, vanquishing their hope of survival. However, at that moment...

...Ymir suddenly transformed into a Titan. And then the main force of the Scouts rushed in to engage the enemy. They successfully dismantled the Titan attack. However, upon the ruins of battle, Eren, (Y/N), and the others learn a surprising truth.


It began to rain after the whole chaos. Dark grey clouds began to swallow up the sun's light as the group was on the wall where the Beast Titan was earlier. Red flags flowed within the wind as soldiers scooped out the area, just in case if there was any Titan activity.

[Soldier]: Slowly! Bring it up slowly!...

[Soldier 2]: Raise it carefully now!..

Ymir's body and the bed were being pulled up by a reel as she had her right leg and arm cut off due to the transformation. Historia watches with sadness and worries as Eren looks down from the ledge.

[Eren]: How's Ymir? What sort of shape is she in?..-Eren questions while a soldier fixes his uniform-

[Soldier]: Her right arm and leg were bitten off, and her insides are beaten like scrambled eggs. If she was normal, she'd be dead for sure..-A soldier says as Eren looks at Ymir-

[Eren]: If she was normal, huh?..-Eren looked away, seeing (Y/n) climb the wall, but she turned around when she heard Reiner struggling to pull himself up the wall-

[Y/n]: Reiner! Grab on!..-She tells him, holding out her hand. Reiner smiles at her as he grabs her hand-

[Reiner]: Right!..

She helps him up as she looks at him with a smile, but she feels a look and turns to that person, who turned out to be Eren. Her cheeks blushed as she looked at the ground, a small smile appeared on Eren's lips.

[Historia]: Please, believe me!..-Historia shrieked at Hanji- I'm telling the truth! Ymir transformed into a Titan to fight off the other Titans and save us! She did so with no regard for her own life, which proves her loyalty to us, her comrades! It's true that her judgment until now is unforgivable. After all, she may know things useful to humanity and yet she kept quiet about it! I imagine she didn't say anything in order to protect herself. But... now she's a changed person! Ymir is an ally of humanity! I know Ymir better than anybody. She's a much simpler person than she looks!..

[Hanji]: I see...-Hanji says, looking at the ground- Obviously, I hope we can build a trusting relationship with her. Her judgment aside, the information she holds is a treasure for humanity. I hope we get along..-Two soldiers place down Ymir's bed on the ground, making Hanji start walking over to her- But you know...even if she is a simple person..-Historia trails not too far behind Hanji as she listens to her- This world becomes more of a confusing mess every passing day..-Hanji then turns to Historia, raising a brow- You said... your real name was Historia Reiss?..

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