S4 ‹Above and Below

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In the same place, where the rain fell heavily. An explosion sound rang out in the distance, causing Hanji, Floch, and the Jaegerists to stop in their tracks.

[Floch]: Wh-What the--?.. What was that?...-Floch asks, looking in the same direction as Hanji, who was silent-

[...]: Thunder?...-

[Hanji]: A Thunder Spear...-She thought, frowning- But why?...

[Floch]: Let's head in that direction...-Floch said, making Hanji look at him in silence. The others nodded before starting to walk towards the sound-


Louis got up quickly from the ground, looked around for the person he wanted to see alive. He took slow steps, while he felt how the pain spread through his body. The horses were dead on the ground from the fire.

[Louis]: Levi, where are you?...-He murmured, looking around- Shit...

Elsewhere, Zeke's body was on the ground with his torso in half. His eyes stared at a flower as he thought to himself.

[Zeke]: It's so... quiet...-His sight was fading, while the rain continued to soak him- Am I... dying?...-Before his sight faded forever, he saw the image of a girl blonde carrying a bucket-

As Zeke's breath hitches, a Titan appears crawling as steam surrounds its body. The Titan approached with the help of his hands, the Titan opened his stomach as the blood stained the grass. The Titan grabbed Zeke and put him inside his stomach as the blood stained the grass.

In the district capital of Shiganshina, Garrison members were being held against a wall while colored cloth like armbands were placed on their arms. Yelena supported her arms on the table as she looked at Pixis with a smile, Onyankopon had his arms crossed as he looked at the food in front of him.

[Yelena]: "We'll dine at the same table again soon." Hasn't it happened just like I said, Commander Pixis?...-She said, Pixis crossed his arms with his eyes closed- I appreciate your swift response. You gathered all soldiers in Shiganshina and forbade opposition like we asked.

[Pixis]: Given the spinal fluid, we didn't have much choice. Only Shiganshina was evacuated, and we could become Titans at any minute..-He looked at the soldier next to him, who had a red armband- In any case, what else could I do with comrades pointing guns at my back?..

[...]: I'm sorry, Commander...-The man said, with his face covered with sweat and a frown- My son and I both drank the wine.

[Pixis]: Since when did you betray--?..

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