S3 »Trust

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[Hitch]: Hey, don't you think we're a bit far out?..-Hitch, asks Marlowe. The two were walking in the forest where Levi's Squad was at as Marlowe replied-

[Marlowe]: No point in searching if we're not spread out...-Hitch lets out a sigh-

[Hitch]: Why did I get stuck with you? Wait, Marlowe... You just wanted alone time with me, didn't you?..

[Marlowe]: Hitch... I'm sorry, but you're not my first choice either...

[Hitch]: Oh, is that right? Well, good for you..

[Marlowe]: But don't you think it's odd? Why would the Scouts kill a civilian and run for the hills?..-Marlowe thought out loud- They're the same group that's always risking for the sake of humanity..-Hitch looks at him before looking away, narrowing her eyes-

[Hitch]: I can't believe you... Did you forget? Remember what they did to Stohess District? How they turned it into a battlefield? All those corpses we had to carry? And how is Annie's still missing? All of her junk is still in my room... and it's annoying..

[Marlowe]: But they also uncovered that Titan in hiding and somehow managed to capture it..You think any other regiment could do that?..If the Scouts get disbanded like this, humanity can't..-Hitch's eyes widen as she aims her gun in front of her, shushing Marlowe-

[Hitch]: Quiet..-He aims his gun as well as she says- I hear water...

They see a person wearing a hood over their head collecting water as Marlowe shouts.

[Marlowe]: Don't move!..-The person, who turned out to be Armin, stops as Marlow and Hitch approach him, gun still aimed- Slowly turn this way...

He raises both hands and slowly stands up.

[Marlowe]: You must be a scout..-Marlowe said, following Armin's movements with his gun. Armin fully turns to them- Just like that... Not a word. Now listen to me and do as I--

But then, they were apprehended by Louis and Levi, who were sitting by the trees and had their blades up against their necks.

[Louis]: That's right... 

[Levi]: Hand over your guns to the one in front...-Levi ordered as Armin went over and grabbed their guns-

[Armin]: And not a word, right?..


Capital Mitras.

In an underground cell, Erwin sits on a bench, staring down at the floor until hearing the sound of the door opening and one of the men walking over to him.

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