Valentine's Day (Part 2)

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Chapter 14: Valentine's Day (Part 2)

Cara Addams' POV

I step out of the cab paying the driver. He was still a bit skeptical about my location. I have to admit, if I were taking someone to a deserted field, I'd be a bit skeptical as well.

"Thank You."

I say as I close the cab door. The driver looked at me. He was a nice man, probably in his thirties.

"Are you sure this is the place, love?"

I smile at his generosity.


He nods still a bit worried, but he rolls up his window & leaves, & I'm left there without anyone. I look around trying to see if Jack was anywhere around. Nothing. It was just a deserted field.

I start to walk a bit further down the hill I was on. Being that I had been here before with Jack, it was a bit recognizable. I walk down to a flat path & sit down on the ground making sure not to dirty my clothes. I'm wearing a lime green lace dress, a leather jacket, & some crème boot like heels. I sigh heavily. Could Jack have dumped me for something else? No. Jack isn't like that. Could something had happened?

As more thoughts begin to fill my head I hear something crack. Probably just a bird or something, I think. I look around. Still nothing. I start to get lost in my thoughts again. That's then that I feel someone put a blindfold over my eyes. I start to jerk around. What if this was a rapist!?

I do the best thing I could possibly do, scream.

"Help! Somebody! Help!"

Now I know nobody would hear me. We were practically in the middle of no where. I hope the cab driver would come back. Ugh!

I feel the person quickly place their hand over my mouth. The hand felt familiar, against my lips, yet my yells were muffled by his palm. I felt the person carry me & he/she started to walk.

I began to pray for help. For anything! I didn't want to die. What could I do? That's when I begin to cry. My eyes feel so hot that my tears start to come out. The persons hand was still over my mouth, but you could still hear my muffled cries. My tears began to be visible over the blindfold & that's when it happens. The blind fold is taken off & I'm surprised to see who it is. It was Jack.

"You bastard!"

I yell as I wrap my arms around his neck & lay my head in his chest. I begin to cry harder. Why would he do this? I was so scared. He doesn't speak until he places me down on a.....on a bed?

"Love. I'm sorry. I didn't mean for you to get scared. I just wanted to surprise you. Gosh I'm suck a prick!"

It's then that I notice that he's crying. I cup his cheeks & look into his eyes.

"Jackson Harries don't you dare ever scare me like that! You scared the living hell out of me."

He begins to chuckle lightly turning his head slightly in my hands so that he could place a kiss on my palm.

"It's not funny you dumbass!"

He begins to laugh more harder. He climbs onto the bed & looks under at me. When he's finally calmed down, he speaks.

"I'm sorry. I just wanted to surprise you. I didn't mean to scare you."

I smile reaching my hands out to wrap them around his neck.

"Yeah well next time don't scare your girlfriend on Valentine's Day. Okay?"

He nods smirking. I peck him on the lips lightly as I remember where we were. I sit up & look around.

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