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Chapter 20: Surprise

Four months. It's been four beautiful months with him. I've been married for four months.

They were absolutely the best four months of my life.

I smile as I sip from my mug the taste of dark coffee igniting my taste buds. I never liked it, coffee, but Finn changed that.

I remember the third night of our honeymoon. It was early in the morning on the British Virgin Islands. I had found Finn sipping on a cup of coffee. He made me drink some of it. At first the pungent taste made me gag, but he kept making me drink it and I kinda liked it. He smiled when I took his cup and drank a gulp of it.

I walk to the sink and place my mug in it. It was Saturday, I thought as I washed the mug. It was my day off. Believe it or not I had managed to get a job as a teacher. I was teaching art and music at a small secondary school here in London. Finn was working on beginning his own graphic designing company. We still did YouTube, both of us. We found this cute flat with two bedrooms and one bathroom. It was great living alone, just me and Finn. Our love for each other kept growing and growing. I was happy. He was happy. We were happy.

As I was walking towards the living room I got this pain in my stomach. I grasped my stomach quickly, a but frightened at what this was. It went away but quickly something surged. I felt nauseated. I was going to throw up. Oh gosh.

I ran to the downstairs bathroom and kneeled over the toilet. I opened my mouth and spat out the vomit. This was disgusting. I pulled away from the toilet a minute after. I cover my mouth with the back of my hand as I stood up.

So many things began to flow through my brain. Why was I sick? It's probably just food poisoning.

Yeah. That's it.

I cleaned everything quickly before I ran up to my room. I was a nervous wreck. I began to dash around the room. I came to an abrupt stop when I saw my bag laying on the floor. There was a bag of Always pads. The green packaging making me think about how much I hated periods.

Period. My period. April 26. Today it was April 26. A Saturday. My period was supposed to be here the 6th! I'm....I'm two weeks late. How? How did I not notice. Oh my gosh. No period that only means one thing. I'm, I'm pregnant. No. No. This can't be happening, but why not? But Finn and I, I mean I wasn't a virgin anymore, but we used protection. We were protected. This wasn't supposed to happen!

Without thinking I ran to the closet rushing through Finn's shoes and grab my red Toms. I throw them on and rush out of the door of my room, grabbing my keys on the way.

I drove to the pharmacy quickly. I needed a pregnancy test. Now!


I slide my back on the wall landing on the floor. My hands were sweaty and my throat dry. What if I was? What if I wasn't?

I take a deep breathe and close my eyes. I begin to think about how it will look, the baby. It's chubby legs walking and stumbling across the room. Their hair sticking up. Would it be curly like their mummy's or straight like their daddy's?

I'm startled when the timer goes off. I stand up and rush to the sink picking up the pink stick.

"Please. Please. Please."

I whisper as turn the stick over and look at the result.

I gasp as I see the plus sign. I was pregnant. I was pregnant!!!! I began to cry of joy and confusion and of nervousness.

I couldn't wait to tell Finn.


"Love!!! I'm home."

When Youtubers Meet: A Jack & Finn Harries StoryWhere stories live. Discover now