We Found Love

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Chapter Ten: We Found Love

Cara Adams' POV

Knock Knock

Cara had left about an hour ago, & I honestly didn't think I was expecting anyone. Who could it be?

I walk to the door & open it. Jack. I smile up at him as he leans down for a kiss. I touch my own lips to his, feeling the softness. Things like this made me fall more & more hopelessly in love with him. Yeah... I love him. We haven't really used the "L" word yet, but I think it'll be soon. I mean I love him, I hope he loves me back.

I'm brought back from my thoughts as I feel Jack bite my lip & pulling it back teasingly. I pull away & slap him across the face playfully. He chuckles knowing what he did. I grab his hand & wall him into the flat.

"I smell spearmint tea!!!"

He yells loudly. I laugh at his randomness. Oh this boy & his tea!

"Yes! I made some...for me."

I state seriously that is before I see the serious look on his face. He wasn't pleased with the fact that there would be no tea for him. I chuckle & whisper a "just kidding" as I pass by him to the cupboard for another tea bag. When I get it I dangle it around his face.


He smirks.


I smirk as I walk over to another cupboard & get two mugs out. Cara & I had purchased two new mugs a week ago. One had a J on it for Jack & the other one had an F on it for Finn. We thought that they would be over occasionally, so why not buy them!

Jack notices the mugs & walks over to me questioningly with a smirk plastered on his face. I explain to him the reason, although he said he wasn't convinced.

Jack & I decided to sit out side on the balcony. It was a moderate night here in London. Not to cold, not to warm...just right.

I sat down on the comfy lawn chair that was on the balcony. My back hit the cushion of the chair as I looked up at the beautiful London night. I still haven't quite grown used to how beautiful it was here. Not that back home it wasn't, it's just that this was different very different.

I see Jack lean back into his chair as I take a sip of my tea. Out if the corner of my eye I see Jack stir a bit in his seat. The next thing you know, I feel his stare on the side of my face. I smile as I sip more of tea. I place the mug on the table & look at him, turning around slightly in the chair.


He startles a bit as if he were thinking about something else. He smiles when he sees me smiling too. He picks at my hand playing with my fingers as he answers.

"I was thinking..."

I giggle as he tickles my wrist, I don't know why, but I've always been ticklish there.

"What exactly were you thinking?"

I switch spots & now I'm playing with his hand. I start to touch his ring & look at it intently as I feel his eyes pouring into my forehead.

"I just want to know why? Why are you with me?"

I look up startled & look at him confused. What was wrong? Did I do something?


He sighs.

"Why'd you settle for me? Why are you with me when you could have Caspar, or Alfie, or Marcus, or Sam, or even my own brother! I've always been told I'm the funny one, & he's got the looks. That Caspar's got the looks, that Alfie does...... everyone does"

He says the last part as a whisper. He no longer looks at me, he's looking down at the ground.

"I know I shouldn't feel this way, but I see it on the Internet all of the time & I know it's true. People say how I dot deserve you, how you deserve someone like Finn or any of the other lads. Just....please answer me. Why me?"

It takes a while for these words to sink in, but once they do I feel bad. Jack can't feel this way. He just can't. He's one of the best guys out there & no one need to judge him. Those people on twitter don't know him at all! He shouldn't listen.

I start to think though. Why? Why him?

I get up of my seat catching eye contact with Jack before I left. I ran into the flat looking everywhere for it. Cara always kept one in the drawer by the door. It was there, luckily. I pull the reflective glass & walk back outside. Jack's head is down, he must have thought I was running away from him. Or worst...leaving him.

I rush out the balcony door & go up to Jack. He picks his head up & looks at me, there are tears in his eyes. I sit on his lap wrapping my legs around his back. He shifted a bit so this was possible.

"Don't you dare ever say those words again. Jack look, look at yourself."

I say holding up the mirror.

He does, he looks into it.

"You're beautiful to me. You may not be Caspar or Alfie or Marcus or Harry Styles or your own brother, but you're beautiful to me, & so many other people."

At this point I'm on the verge of tears, actually I'm way passed it. My eyes are pouring out the salty liquid. I still hold up the mirror as I say the rest.

"The guys you see in this mirror is the guy that....is the guy that I love."

I say softly. I place the mirror on the table & look at Jack. He looks surprised at my use of the "L" word. As I said, we hasn't used them before.

" I love you Jack.."

I say wiping away a stray tear on my cheek. That's when I feel it, him more likely. His hands cup my cheeks as he forces his lips to mine. He kisses me as if it were the last time he would see me. And I do too. I kiss him like a woman who was hopelessly in love with a man who would have to go to war, like during the old times. Like how a woman would kiss her husband if her were a police officer, because she wouldn't know if he'd get home safe. I kissed him the way my mother kissed my father when he came back from a long trip, when I was younger. I kissed him like Rose kissed Jack just before the Titanic sunk. That's when I knew that I did love him, & that it will always be him.

I wrap my legs tighter around him as I kissed him harder. I pulled away when I desperately needed air, although I didn't want to stop. I pull away breathing heavily. I look at Jack & see he's flustered. His cheeks are so red & his lips are swollen from the kiss we just shared. Jack notices me staring & he smiles lifting my chin up so that our eyes met.

"I love you."

I take a deep breath as I take in the words. They sound so beautiful coming out of his mouth. How did it sound when I said them?

"I love you too."

Ahh pretty we'll I guess. I smile at him brightly as he carries me up from the chair, my legs still wrapped around his waist. We leave up to my bed room not caring about the mugs we left outside, just caring about us. He lays me down on the bed & kisses my forehead before taking off my hoodie, leaving me in my pink tank top. He took off my shoes & my socks as well. He smiled down at me when our foreheads touch. I lift my lips & touch his failing a hit sense he pulled away. He stood up & walks to the door closing it while I pulls the covers down. He told his clothes off leaving him in his boxers, his only way to sleep.

He lay next to me, his arms wrapped around me as I lay my head on his warm chest.

"I love you."

I whisper before falling asleep.

Was this love? Of course. Will I keep it? Of course. But now the real question is: Will he?


Hey! Thanks so much for everything you've been doing. I've been getting amazing feedback ! Thanks so much. I hope you enjoy this chapter, a bit short, but I feel I detailed it a lot. I really got into it! Haha.

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