Chapter 58

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Author's Note;

Hey guys! I'm going to keep this brief, not really, kind of sort of. Sorry for the late update. Many things came up, and this was by far the most editing I had ever had to do for a single chapter. When I say it took most of my day, I mean it, no less than seven hours of revises and editing, and I know I had to have missed some things—being a perfectionist sucks. Thankfully, I'm being very optimistic here, because of my fractured toe from work; I had enough free time to try and pull off this insane amount of editing. Oh right, I forgot to say I fractured my toe at work. While moving some boxes, some tiling from the second shelf that I was near decided my right big toe was a good place to land. Not thinking it was so bad, I continued the rest of my eight-hour shift when I got hurt within the first hour. Not smart. But on the right side, it gave me time to type and edit. *smiles innocently while having a huge sweat drop from forehead*

That being said hope you enjoy it! Happy fourth of July to my fellow Americans! Please vote and comment, and thank you all so much for your continuous support of my book!

Percy POV

Parley. A truce and a brief time of peace for negotiations in which the leaders or representatives of those leaders speak face to face; more often than not, it is for negotiations for surrender. I have been through my fair share of them, and most end in the same way; no one gets what they want, and everyone ends up trying to kill each other the following day, at least the ones I have been a part of having ended that way.

By my side, Thalia, Zoe, Beckendorf, and Grover were walking alongside me. Behind me also stood my lions Aperio and Aioniotita at full menacing, double-decker tank height. Five dozen demigods stood on our side of the negotiations, celestial bronze armor and spears at rest. The camp half-blood banners were flowing in the harsh winds and malicious rain.

I saw three dozen monsters in armor standing in wait with weapons at resting position. Next to them stood ten hyperborean giants of the north. Blues-skinned thirty-foot tall giants with whitish hair and pale eyes. That, my dear friends, is when frost giants have kids, Eirene, the Greek goddess of peace. Another case of Norse and Greek intermingle, and the result is what I like to call a pain in my butt.

"That's not good. Usually, they are peaceful. If they joined Kronos'" side of the war, that is not good for us at all," I cursed.

Standing in front of the giants and armies were three humanoid creatures. One was Empousa, with her fiery hair and vampire fangs. The other was Ethan, son of Nemesis; the final person was someone I was hoping did not join the titan's side, Prometheus. Now, if you are wondering what this man looked like, search up Penn from the Penn and Teller magic show. He is literally the same person, he looked more like the slimmer older version of him, but he was still the same man. It was downright uncanny. I'm starting to wonder if the magician is his demigod son. Prometheus is the god of forethought, and you need a lot of forethought to develop a magic trick like theirs. I am so going to find this out later. Stupid ADHD!

He wore three pieces pinstriped suit. His long black hair pulled back, and he had dark red round sunglasses partially covering his eye. All the monsters turned to me, and I instantly released my aura. All of them flinched and began to shake in fear. My lions let loose a terrifying roar and kept their heads high. My point was made here on these terms, one false move, and they all die. With that, my side of the area grew more confident with me standing before a titan who towered over me.

I looked at Ethan. He had taken a beating at the Williams berg bridge, apparently. The storms grew harsher when I saw him. The winds picked up as my connections with Olethros turned the storms into a frenzy. I could not hurt them; this was parley but scaring every last one of them was not off the table—my cold expression staring into the soulless bodies of the monsters.

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