°2) Babysitting With Foxy and Mangle

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{Chapter Two: Babysitting With Foxy and Mangle}

{ Mangle }


Tonight I was taking care of five kids, two babies, two 3-years-olds, and a 6-year-old. When the first mother came over to drop her son off we talked for bit. In an hour I have all but one kid over here.

"Miss Mangle when are you gonna tell us a story?" Tommy (the 3 year old) asked me with the other beside him. I trun my head away from the door.

"If you see her then I'll tell you both a story okay Tommy" I told him waiting at the door for Mac (the other 6 year old). Then he pointed back at the door.

"What if I see a tall man with red hair" I look behind me and saw Foxy.

"Foxy! I thought you'll ditch me?" I spoke with a shock expression.

"And miss out on this little party, no way!" He jokingly smiled at me.

"Well come join the party then! By the way I don't have beer so help yourself with some apple juice and gummy bears" I joked.

"Will do lass" He smile at me as he walked inside. I closed the door to lead him in the kitchen.

"So who are we waiting for?" Foxy ask me.

"Mac shes the little blonde one." I told Foxy. I here'd a knock at the door, when I open the door I was being attacked by hugs.

"Hi mangle, Mac didn't shut up about you in the car. I was also-" Chica cut herself off. "Is that Foxy!?" She pull the door wide open to get a better view of him.

"Chica! Why are ye here?" He asked her. Wait they know eachother?

"Dropping off my little sister, why are you here?" Chica cross her arms and rase an eyebrow.

"I'm helping this fine lass with babysitting." He wrap his arms around my chunky hips. I smiled nervously to Chica while taking Foxy arms off of me.

"Mangle what is he doing here?" She asked me. I guess she doesn't trust Foxy.

"He really did came here to help me babysit. I promise nothing will happen!" Chica unfolded her arms and took a deep breath.

" I'm nkt worried about that, it's what will happen after the job. Just whatever you do don't kiss him! Please for Mac." She batted her eyes making the puppy dog look.

"I wasn't planning it but whatever happens my lips will not be touched by Foxys" I promise her.

"Kay gotta go bye Mac! Bye Mangle! Fox." She said rushing out the door. When I turn around I saw Foxy rollIng his eyes.

"Now can we have a story!" Tommy winned.

"Okay who wants to heir a story?" I asked. All the little kids rase there hands

"Okay it's not a good one but this is about a little girl who lost her mommy and daddy by monsters but thanks by this little guy she was never alone" I pull out a old toy fox. "Now the little girl had a fox to take care of her. She never felt lonely ever again. They went on to many adventures together, they meat friends who come and go but the girl and the fox friendship was stronger then ever. One day the girls friend invited her to stay wither there family. The fox was sad but knew that letting the little girl stay with this new family was for the best. And they all lived happily ever after, the end." I finished the story.

A Night To Remember {FNaF Foxy x Mangle}Where stories live. Discover now